Page 15 of Her Dirty Cowboys

My heart stopped beating for the third or fourth time in as many minutes. God, no. Talking to Cole about going on a date with Prescott—in front of Prescott—was literally the last thing I wanted to do.

“N-no.” I swallowed hard and shook my head. “That won’t be necessary. Idowant to go with you, but not for dinner. I just finished eating with Janessa and Becca.” Mentioning my friends’ names made me want to turn and look up at the window, but I resisted the urge. They had to be watching, though… right? I might need confirmation later that this really happened, that I hadn’t just imagined the whole thing. “Is there, um, something else we could do instead?”

I saw a surge of heat in his eyes as he quickly looked up and down my body, and I hoped my question hadn’t given him the wrong idea. It only lasted a split-second, though—so quick that I probably wouldn’t have even noticed if I hadn’t been staring at him so intently.

“How about ice cream? Coffee?” He shrugged, thankfully keeping his suggestions a lot milder than the look in his eyes a moment ago would have indicated. “I’m afraid there isn’t much to do in town, but I’d honestly just like an opportunity to get to know each other a little better. Like I said, though, no pressure. I know it’s sort of last-minute.”

It wasverylast-minute, but I felt like that sort of added to the excitement. I mean, it was sweet that he felt like he had to come talk to me in person so urgently just to ask me out for ice cream.

And even though I still felt a little funny about possibly causing friction between Prescott and Cole—or worse, somehow getting caught in the middle of that friction—itwasjust a simple date. Simple and innocent. Couldn’t get more innocent than coffee or ice cream, really.

“Okay,” I said, smiling. “I’d love to. Give me a couple of minutes to change clothes?”

It wasn’t like I really needed to spend much time talking myself into the date. It was something I’d already been fantasizing about for a couple of days. And since I was only going to be in Bliss for a little while longer, I didn’t see why I shouldn’t enjoy myself. Live a little. Date two guys. Two friends. Twopeace officers.

“Take as much time as you need,” he said, his smile back in full force. “I’ll wait here. And I promise not to keep you out too late.”

“Such a gentleman.” I winked, turning back toward the house. “I’ll be right back.”

Was I teasing? Maybe a little.

Could I feel his eyes on me as I walked back to the porch?


Was I thankful that the jeans I was wearing were maybe alittletoo tight?

You’d better believe it.

* * *

I never thought I’d be seeing the inside of the Main Street diner so many times during my stay in Bliss, but here I was again. I definitely wasn’t complaining, though. Because sitting across from me and looking at me with those intense eyes was the sexiest sheriff I’d ever met.

And okay, maybe theonlysheriff I’d ever really met, but that was beside the point. He was still so hot. Just the way he carried himself—that quiet authority that made me lightheaded and seriously made me consider breaking the law every time I was around him.

Was there a support group for that?


I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be cured of my sheriff addiction, though.

“You seem to be enjoying that ice cream sundae,” he teased, his low, gravelly voice doing something to me that was definitely not appropriate for the family diner. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile like that.”

“Oh, um…” I swallowed the bite I’d been savoring and felt my face flush with heat. “I was just, um…”Thinking about you.Undressing you with my eyes.Wondering if you had an extra pair of handcuffs. “Just enjoying this ice cream. Just like you said—best in the county, right?”

He quirked an eyebrow. Oh, God, could he read my thoughts? Was I that transparent? Was it some sort of police officer super power?

“That’s right. Makes your mouth water, doesn’t it?”

I nodded. Pretty sure an ice cream sundae wasn’t also supposed to make my panties wet, though, no matter how good it claimed to be.

“I’m glad you agreed to come out with me tonight,” he said, his tone light and conversational as if we hadn’t just shared some sort of sweet, frozen, orgasmic experience. “I wasn’t sure if you would. It’s a shame you won’t be in town for much longer, though.”

“Yeah, I’m trying not to think about it too much,” I said. Which was the truth, since I’d much rather think about being wined and dined by two sexy lawmen, even if it was just at the local diner. “I wouldn’t mind staying a little longer if I could, though. I’ve really been enjoying my time here.”

“Is that right?” He quirked that eyebrow again, giving me a look that made me feel warm and sexy andseen. “A young and beautiful woman like yourself should be able to do whatever she wants. Within reason, of course. But you’re only young once, right? Might as well enjoy it.”

Before I could do more than nod, the ringtone from his phone startled an embarrassingly high-pitched noise from the back of my throat.