Page 5 of Her Dirty Cowboys

“Break time’s over,” the sheriff said, his scowl firmly in place as he gestured toward the door. “We still have a lot of work to do, Cole.”

Was the sheriff angry? He definitely looked upset. Upset with Cole? Withme? I couldn’t tell. I honestly wasn’t sure of anything anymore. Not since my whole world had just been turned upside down.

“Gotta run.” Cole tossed me a quick wink as he moved toward the door. “I’ll see you tonight.”

And then they were both gone, leaving me standing in the middle of the store feeling like I’d just been hit by a tornado. Had all of that seriously just happened? It felt like hours had passed, but it had probably only been a couple of minutes.

Becca wasn’t going to believe it. Janessa definitely wasn’t going to believe it.

I wasn’t even sure I believed it yet.

Chapter 2

Daisy Lynn

Ilooked over at the bedside clock and tried to ignore the not-so-subtle look that Becca and Janessa had just exchanged.

“Just say it,” I sighed, not doing a very good job of ignoring them after all. “I know you two have something on your minds, so just tell me before Cole gets here to pick me up.”

As I spoke, I double-checked out the window overlooking the driveway for at least the hundredth time. It was still only six-thirty, still a half-hour until our date, but I just wanted to be sure. You know, just in case he wanted to show up extra early or something.

“It’s nothing.” Becca shrugged and gave me a diplomatic smile. “It’s just…”

“We’re just surprised you were out of the house for like five minutes and already have a date,” Janessa finished for her. “Not that I’m knocking it. I just think it’s pretty funny that you weren’t too excited to even come here in the first place and now…”

The two girls exchanged looks again and giggled. Really? They were both giving me a hard time now, but I’d be willing to bet they’d both be waiting up and wanting to hear every little detail once I got back from the date.

“You know I was totally excited to see you,” I said in my own defense. “But you can’t honestly say you blame me for saying yes to a date with a hot deputy.” I looked from Janessa to Becca. “Neither of you can blame me for that.”

They both shook their heads. “I don’t blame you at all,” Janessa said, laughing. “Go get your man, girl.”

“I don’t blame you, either,” Becca added. “I’m maybe a little jealous that I haven’t found my own country boy yet, but I’m not holding that against you.” She shot Janessa a pointed look. “Againsteitherof you.”

Janessa held up her hands in mock surrender. “Okay, okay, don’t start on me again. You both already know my situation is… complicated.”

Becca and I nodded even though we really didn’t know much about Janessa’s situation. But yeah, it probably would be complicated having them both under the same roof as her over-protective uncle. And since Cade and Boone were apparently best friends… yeah, super complicated.

It made me think of Cole’s friendship with the sheriff. Were they best friends, too? I’d thought so at first, but seeing the sheriff’s reaction at the store earlier had made me wonder if there was more to it than I’d realized.

Maybe Janessa’s situation wasn’t the only one that was complicated. Was I setting myself up for the same sort of conflicted feelings?


Was I going to let that stop me from going out tonight and having a good time with Cole?

Absolutely not.

“Do you know what you’re going to do about Cade and Boone yet?” I asked, unable to stop myself. I kept trying to imagine myself in her place, and I had no idea how I’d find a way to choose between two guys like that.

Janessa nibbled at her lip, hesitating as she looked out the window for a moment. “I have an idea of what Iwantto do, but… we’ll see. I don’t know if they’ll go for it. I just hope the whole thing doesn’t blow up in my face.”

I didn’t know what she meant, exactly, but I didn’t want to push her too much. She was clearly still a little uncomfortable talking about it, even with just Becca and me.

“I hope it works out,” I said, reaching over to give her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “And you know we’re both here for you anytime you need to talk.”

“That’s right,” Becca added. “And we’ll keep our fingers crossed that everything works out just the way you want it to.”

Janessa smiled as she looked back over at us. “Thanks. You two are the best. I know things are pretty crazy around here right now, but I’m really glad you both came to visit. Having the two of you here is the one thing that’s keeping me sane.” She sighed, then shook her head a little. “Okay, enough about me. This is your night, Daisy Lynn. You’re going to go out and have a good time, and then come back here and tell us all about it. Are you excited?”