Page 28 of Her C*cky Cowboys

“Oh, I see how it is,” Cade said. “That’s fine, though. I might not be able to cook worth a damn…” He leaned in closer to me and loudly whispered, “But I promise I have a lot of other good qualities.”

I laughed and tried not to admit that I had already spent plenty of time wondering and daydreaming about those qualities of his. Boone just groaned and kept eating.

I wondered if they were always like this—easygoing and playful but still somehow able to get their work done every day. Their method of doing things was a far cry from the way I was raised. My father and uncle had always been strict taskmasters, convinced that nothing good came from idle talk or idle hands. It was, unfortunately, a belief my uncle still held to this day.

Still, I respected Uncle Justin for all the hard work he’d put in here. He’d devoted his entire life to this ranch and hadn’t hesitated to care for me and look out for me as if I was his own daughter after my parents had passed away.

“I’m really glad you guys decided to stay,” I said between bites. “I know it’s selfish of me, but I just couldn’t stand the thought that you might leave today. I mean, I know you’ll have to go back home and take care of your own ranch at some point, but… I hope you’ll let me keep being selfish for a little while longer.”

Neither of them said anything at first, but I saw the look that passed between them. They had been friends for so long that they often communicated with those secretive, knowing looks—or sometimes just a single raised eyebrow or a gesture that most other people probably wouldn’t have even noticed.

I noticed, though. And it was maddening to me that I hadn’t been able to decipher their coded looks even after spending the better part of a week with them.

As usual, Cade was the first one to break the silence. “You’re not being selfish. There’s nothing selfish about wanting to feel safe in your own home. I’m just glad we can help.”

He did have a point—I really did feel safer with the two of them around, no doubt about that. But Iwasbeing selfish, too, because I would have wanted them here regardless of whether there was some crazy person sneaking around trying to hurt my animals. I just enjoyed spending time with them.

And, of course, I still wanted more. I still wanted both of them to wantme.

“You’re both more than welcome to stay as long as you want,” I said, smiling. “But I promise I will understand when you finally have to go back home. Just… not today.”

They both laughed, and Boone shook his head. “No, not today,” he said. “Today, we’re all yours.”

God, if only.

Because the things I’d like to do with them out here where there weren’t any prying eyes or ears had nothing at all to do with my safety or checking the fence line.

“And like we said earlier,” Cade added. “We have our foreman taking care of things back at the ranch. He runs that place like a well-oiled machine after all these years. It’s not like we’ve never taken off on trips before now, so he’ll be fine for a while.”

“Right.” Boone nodded. “Worst case scenario is that we might have to go back and take care of something if an emergency comes up, but I promise we’ll always be here anytime you need us.”

“Anytime,” Cade echoed.

Hearing them say that made my smile grow even wider. They might have reputations for going out and having fun from time to time, but I dared anyone to tell me Cade Winslow and Boone Tate weren’t good men. I would gladly argue with anyone who suggested otherwise.

“You guys are too sweet,” I said, finishing my sandwich and gathering the empty soda cans and napkins to put back into the bag Boone had brought with us. The blanket we were sitting on wasn’t very big, but there was still room to stretch out a little. “I could honestly stay out here in the sun just like this all day,” I said, closing my eyes as I leaned back on my elbows and let my legs stretch out in front of me.

And okay, maybe I was trying to be alittleseductive, but I honestly did enjoy the feel of the warm sun on my face. I had always loved being outdoors whenever the harsh Montana weather would allow it. But being out here with two hot guys on a blanket and nobody else around?

That was basically my idea of paradise.

“It is really nice out here, isn’t it?” Cade asked. Even without opening my eyes, I could hear from the closeness of his voice that he had shifted his weight toward me. And I also had the feeling that they were both watching me—probably both giving each other those secret looks, too.

“And the scenery…” Boone’s voice was closer on the other side of me, too. “It’s so much better than anything we have back home.”

I smiled but still didn’t open my eyes. “You might find that a lot of things are better here if you give it a chance.”

I felt a hand—Cade’s, I was pretty sure—brush against my thigh. That little touch sent a wave of heat rushing down to my core, and I sucked in a sharp breath as another hand lightly stroked the inside of my arm.

“So much better, from what I can see.” Cade’s voice was low and thick with desire, and I was pretty sure I could feel his warm breath hit my neck as he spoke.

God, I’d wanted this for so long that I had to hold myself back to keep from begging for it.

“Kiss me,” I said, finally giving in to my desires.

I felt rough stubble and soft lips brush against my own as another set of lips started slowly moving up the base of my neck. With my eyes still closed, it was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. And then with those hands lightly touching, stroking, caressing up and down my body, it was almost too much, almost sensory overload.

I almost liked it better not knowing which lips I was kissing or which hand was teasing my inner thigh, but self-control wasn’t exactly my strongest point, and I couldn’t resist the temptation anymore. I finally opened my eyes and then felt another rush of heat as I found myself looking into Boone’s dark eyes just before he closed his again.