Page 18 of Her C*cky Cowboys

Chapter 7


God, what a morning.

I walked into my bedroom and looked longingly at my unmade bed. It was practically begging me to climb back in and pull the warm covers up around me.

It felt like we’d done an entire day’s work before the sun had come up. And by the time Logan left around mid-morning, I was honestly exhausted.

Maybe if I hadn’t been awake thinking about Cade and Boone half the nightbeforethis whole crazy poisoning madness had happened… but then I probably wouldn’t have heard the truck pulling away in the middle of the night if I’d been sleeping like normal.

So… silver lining, I guess?

And finding out that Rebel was most likely going to be okay had been a huge relief as well.

From down the hall, I could hear the shower running and couldn’t stop myself from wondering if it was Cade or Boone. They had stayed behind to help with the morning chores after Logan had gone, and we had all just come back to the house to clean up before they had to leave again to go back to their own ranch.

They’d both been so perfect throughout this whole ordeal, and I really didn’t want them to go. Not that I was particularly worried about the trespasser coming back—I felt pretty confident that Uncle Justin and I could handle things here on our own if we had to—but just having them around had been so nice.

And now one of them was just down the hall in the shower.

Completely naked.

My whole body seemed to respond to that thought as a wave of heat rushed through me. What would happen if I walked into that bathroom right now? I would have been just as happy to see either one of them standing there waiting for me, but would they feel the same way? Would they make me turn around and get out or invite me to step in under the hot water?

I poked my head out of my bedroom and looked around, seriously considering it for a moment.

But no.

That couldn’t happen. Not today, anyway, with all the craziness we’d already been through together. And not with my uncle still wandering around at his wits’ end over this trespassing situation.

I gave one last longing look toward the end of the hall and then huffed out a short breath. No, I couldn’t give in, no matter how tempting it might be. I needed to go take my own shower downstairs. Alone.

Hopefully that would be enough to clear my mind and get rid of any remaining temptation.

But God, I could just picture them—both of them, either one of them, whatever—on the other side of that bathroom door justwaitingfor me to come in and give them what they wanted.

What I’d been hoping they wanted.

It was whatIwanted, anyway, and this was my fantasy.

I hurried out of my bedroom and down the stairs before I could tempt myself any further, not stopping to think or even breathe until I was locked inside the downstairs bathroom.

I really needed to get myself together, but knowing that and actually doing it were two very different things.

Moving quickly in the small space, I turned on the water as hot as I could stand it and took a moment to breathe in the steam that was already starting to billow out over the top of the shower curtain.

Just get in and clear your head.

Don’t think about you-know-who.

Either of them.

But tryingnotto think about them only seemed to make things worse, because the moment I stepped under the hot shower and let the water hit me, it was even easier to close my eyes and imagine Cade and Boone right there with me.

I’d obviously never been with two guys at the same time before—had never even come close, honestly—but as long as I kept my eyes closed, I could let my imagination run wild and fantasize about all the things I wanted them to do.

I reached back to brace myself against the cool tile as my free hand reached up to massage my shoulders and neck. I knew just from looking at their hands—and from spending my whole life on a ranch—that their touch wouldn’t be like my own. Their calloused fingers and palms would feel rough as they moved across my skin, from my shoulders down to my breasts, gently squeezing and cupping each one before moving to tease each pebbled, sensitive nipple.