Page 20 of Her C*cky Cowboys

“I don’t know what you—” I started to say but cut myself off when he shook his head.

“I’ve seen the way you look at them, sweetie. And the way they look at you. I might be old, but I’m not blind.” He paused, and I could feel myself starting to blush. Had I really been that transparent? Well… yeah, I probably had. It wasn’t like I’d gone to any great lengths to hide my feelings for them. Still, I hadn’t expected Uncle Justin to bring it up first. Or at all. “I know that you probably won’t care what I have to say about them,” he said. “But I feel like it needs to be said anyway. It’s my responsibility as your uncle to try and steer you clear of trouble when I see it coming.”

“They’re not trouble,” I said, bristling a little at the way he was suggesting that Cade and Boone might not be good guys. “And if you really thought they were, I can’t imagine you’d let them come back here to stay for a few days.”

He sighed again as a small, tired smile crossed his lips. “You’re right. I wouldn’t let them come back if I thought they were bad guys. But even the best guys can be trouble when it comes to, ah… relationships.”

Now I really was blushing. And I was pretty sure Uncle Justin’s cheeks were turning a light shade of pink as well. I really hoped he wasn’t going to try and give me the birds and bees talk, because… ugh. No.

Besides, I was already twenty years old. He was a little late with the information—not that it would be any less embarrassing coming from him now than it had been with my own parents back when they’d fumbled through theverybasic description of where babies came from.

“I don’t think they want a relationship with me,” I said, hoping to set his mind at ease and move on to a different conversation.

But he just leaned in and nodded, as if I’d said something important. “That’s my point, Janessa. Those guys have a reputation around here—and it isn’t the kind of reputation you get from being a saint.”

I wanted to argue that none of us were saints, but I didn’t think it would make a difference. He wasn’t going to change his mind about Cade and Boone, and I wasn’t going to change my opinion, either. I didn’t care about the gossip people spread about them. I knew them. I felt safe around them. And even though I knew Uncle Justin really was trying to look out for me, I was going to trust my own instincts this time.

So instead of arguing, I stood up and walked over to him. “Thank you for always worrying way too much about me,” I said, only sort of joking as I leaned in to give him a hug. “I really do appreciate it, even if I might not always agree with you.”

He snorted. “I take it this is one of those times when you disagree?”

“I didn’t say I disagree…”Even though I do. I smiled. “I just think you worry too much.”

“I just don’t want to see you get hurt,” he said, shaking his head again as I turned to walk back out of the kitchen. “And that includes getting your heart broken.”

“You can’t save me from the world, Uncle Justin,” I called back over my shoulder. I had intended to walk back upstairs without another word about Cade and Boone, but I didn’t want him to think I was completely dismissing everything he’d said. I wasn’t. And I respected his opinion, even if I felt like I might know my heart better than he did this time. “But I love you for trying. And please don’t worry. I won’t let anyone break my heart. I promise.”

I could tell from the look he was giving me that he didn’t believe me.

I’d just have to prove him wrong.

Chapter 8


I’ve never been good at acting. My line of work and the realities of raising cattle and crops in Montana have taught me to trust my instincts and know my surroundings. I don’t live in a fantasy land, and I don’t pretend to be something I’m not.

So, acting like I was not one hundred percent attracted to the smart, sexy woman sitting next to me was difficult, to say the least.

Worse? I could tell that she wasn't buying my bullshit, either.

Janessa knew that I wanted her. It was why she’d been out here with me in the dark, sitting on the front porch and watching the road for the past two hours. It was why she kept dropping hints and flashing that little smile that’s the perfect combination of innocent and seductive.

Yeah, she knew I wanted her. She just didn't know why I wasn't letting myself admit it. And to be honest, I wasn't even sure why I shouldn’t anymore.

Sure, Boone thought it was a bad idea. He didn't want to get tangled up in something that might turn out to be complicated. I got that. And that was nothing new for him—that had basically been the story of our entire friendship. I would want to do something and Boone would give me a dozen good reasons why I shouldn’t.

She’s young.

She’s inexperienced.

Her uncle might kill us.

All valid points. I couldn’t and wouldn’t argue with any of them, especially if it might fuck up my friendship with Boone. But… would it? Did it have to?

The more I thought about it, the less certain I was. Why did the prospect of having a little fun with Janessa have to mean anything beyond that? We were all adults here, after all. Couldn’t we all make our own decisions about what—andwho—we wanted?

I looked over at her, and I could see her looking back at me through the darkness. I wondered what she was thinking. If all she wanted was a little fun, I could definitely give her that. No problem. I could give it to her as often as she wanted it.