I blinked up at him, my hands shaking where they rested on the lapels of his tuxedo. He was gazing at me with a little wonder, a little delight… and a whole lot of desire.
His hand gripped the back of my head, and his lips pressed against mine. There was no violence in this kiss, there was no battle to be the one to come out on top. There was only acceptance. Love. A sense of belonging. Closure.
Reaching the top of my dress where my breasts pillowed in the velvet bodice, he traced the line of the flesh across my chest.
“This dress…it looks incredible,” he said, his eyes poring over every inch of the fabric.
“Yeah?” I couldn’t help the smile that turned up my lips.
“Mhhm,” he murmured, moving behind me. His stubble grazed my shoulder as he kissed my neck and goosebumps broke out over my skin. “It will look better on the floor though.”
I snorted out a chuckle at the cheesy line, but my laugh was cut short when I felt him, slowly pulling lowering the zipper, giving his hands enough room to slip in the front of the dress.
His fingers immediately found my nipples, gently working them into hard peaks as he rolled them between his thumb and forefinger. The sensation shot straight to my clit making it throb in time with my raging heartbeat.
I sagged against him, my knees weakening as he drove my temperature higher and higher. I was sure I could come just like that if he carried on, but after all these years, I was eager to feel him inside me.
I pulled out of his arms and wiggled out of the dress, letting it drop to the floor before I turned and faced him.
His eyes darkened, and I swear there was a flush to his cheeks. He let out a low whistle as he studied the black lace panties and garter belt I wore to hold up my stockings and traced his eyes down my legs to the heels I still wore.
“Holy Shit, Cait.” His thumb brushed across his lip like he was trying to maintain some sort of composure, but I was pleased to see he was seriously failing.
Instinct told me to cover up my chest, but there was no way I was going to do anything that would remove this look from his face.
“Sit,” he commanded, pointing at the couch facing the bookshelves on the wall to our left. I did as he said, and he immediately dropped to his knees in front of me… and it was then I realized why he’d told me to sit there.
There was a mirror on the wall which pointed to the door… it was a mob trick. Have mirrors everywhere so your enemy couldn’t sneak up on you… only, Aidan didn’t want me to watch the door. He wanted me to watch myself.
A blush crept up my chest as he flung my thighs over his shoulder, diving forward to inhale my scent.
“Aidan-” I started… I wanted him, desperately. I did. But the mirror was pushing it a bit far out of my comfort zone. I’d only had sex once.
“Cait, you’re the most beautiful fucking creature on this planet. I want you to see what I see.”
Warmth swirled in my stomach as I digested his words.
His thumb brushed over the bud of nerves between my legs, and all self-conscious thoughts were gone. I just wanted him. Now.
He started kissing up the inside of my thighs the way he had that night in the Hamptons, and it felt just as good now as it did then.
“All mine,” he growled as he reached the apex between my legs.
“Yes… all yours,” I replied, my voice quivering with anticipation.
He raised his head, raising a brow quizzically. Something in my voice must have told him I really meant what I was saying.
“No one else has touched me,” I confirmed, watching the primal heat flare in his eyes.
“Jesus Christ, Cait,” he hissed, and I immediately felt the change in him. He was practically feral as he ripped the flimsy lace from my body and dove on me like a starved animal.
I yelped as the pleasure hit me so intensely I could barely breathe, but as I caught a glimpse of us in the mirror, I became fascinated.
It was so erotic watching the movements translate from the mirror onto my skin, and it wasn’t long before an orgasm was building through my body.
Pleasure seared every nerve ending, burning and healing at the same time.