Page 63 of Wicked Rogue

“Well, I have nothing to say to you, not anymore.” I didn’t miss the quiver in my voice, and neither did he.

Suddenly he was crowding my space, his teeth gritted in a half smile, half grimace. “Well I’ve got lots to say to you.” He was trying to intimidate me, but I wouldn’t let him. He’d messed with me enough.

I raised my chin and squared my shoulders. “Well get on with it then.”

He raised a finger, stroking it down the side of my face as he studied my eyes. “You really hate me?” He asked with a strange tone in his voice.

“You’re nothing to me,” I said evenly, forcing myself not to crack.

Lies. Lies. Lies.


He’s not going to break me again.

I assumed he was here because of the text, not to kiss me like the last ten years had never happened…

Focus, Cait.

I swallowed loudly, changing the subject. “Tell me about the killers.”

He smirked at my obvious redirect, but then his face grew serious as he backed off. “Enzo found out who killed your parents, Mom and Quinn.”

My stomach was immediately in knots. “What?” I breathed. After all this time…

“Yes, that’s actually where I’m heading now. My dad wants them dealt with before the sun sets.”


I started chewing on the skin around my nails as I thought of him facing off against the type of animals who could murder a child… but he seemed more in control than he had ten years ago when he’d wanted to hunt them down.

He seemed to sense where my mind was at. “You’re not going to drug me and kidnap me again, are you?” He waggled his eyebrows at me, and a smile cracked the scowl on my face as I remembered that night.

“No, not this time,” I said softly.

“There’s one more thing,” he went on, his face changing and contorting until I could barely recognize him. One minute he was kissing me and teasing me, the next he was furious… I didn’t understand.

What the hell?

“I’m staying. For good.”


My heart was beating so fast it was a blur.

“You can’t,” I gasped, rearing back. He couldn’t stay here, I couldn’t see him every day…

“I can, and I am, Cait. This is my home. This is my family… I don’t need your permission.”

Why did he always have to be such a monumental fucking jerk?

“But it was working-”

“My dad needs me… the business is getting on top of him. There might be a ceasefire at the moment, but it won’t last forever.”

Did he not feel the same pain I did when he looked at me? Did he not feel as if he was about to die when he thought about our history? He couldn’t… there was no way anyone would voluntarily put themselves through that. Which meant he really didn’t care about me.

“Feel free to leave, Cait. Pack up your shit and get on a plane… find somewhere to belong.”