Page 56 of Wicked Rogue


My heart leapt into my mouth as I watched the white icon flash on the screen to confirm I’d liked the post…

No, no, no….

All thoughts of orgasms and his tongue on me were gone… he’d know I was stalking him. It wasn’t just one from recently either that I could have played off as showing up on my explore page, I was a good six months deep into his feed. He’d know I was scrolling. I’d told him I never wanted to see him again, and then I’d gone cyber crazy and found his Instagram…He’d know I was full of shit…

Even if I unliked it, he’d still get the notification, and then he’d see I’d unliked it and that would just give him more ammo.

No. I wasn’t going to be a coward.

I had to own what I’d done, or else he’d just torment me with it.

I dropped my phone on the nightstand like it had burned me and tugged up my shorts, my cheeks burning.

What the fuck was I doing?

It’s the wine…

It had to be the wine.

I couldn’t go there again.



Iwoke up to a bitch of a hangover.

My head was pounding and my mouth was drier than a nun-

Jesus Aidan…

It had been a while since I’d been to church, but it wasn’t time to start making nun jokes. I’d had enough bad luck this week without God smiting me for being a filthy fucker.


I groaned as I sat up, the light blazing through the big apartment windows stinging my retinas like someone had poured acid in my eyes.

Maybe they had. I didn’t remember much of last night after leaving Cait’s apartment.


Suddenly I realized something was clutched in my palm. I looked down at the broken charm bracelet, feeling the indent of it in my palm where I’d been clenching it so hard.

I’d had no idea if she’d ever gotten the bracelet… I wasn’t sure why I’d left it, just that I’d wanted her to have something of me, and when I’d realized she still had it, I’d known hope wasn’t lost.


Oh wait… I did remember something.

I snagged my phone, and opened Instagram… there it was. The little red notification with the white heart signifying that @caitiscatchingflights_ had liked one of my photos at one thirty in the morning.


She wasn’t over me at all.

A smug grin spread across my face, despite the nausea and my burning eyeballs.