I flung the door open, forcing my long limbs to coordinate and get out of the car. What the fuck had she put in that bottle? I felt like I’d been hit by a truck.
Dear God.
I braced myself against the car as my head spun.
She was going to fucking pay for this.
She followed me out of the car, standing a safe distance from me. “Aidan, please calm down. I did this to save you.”
“I didn’t ask to be saved!” I snapped, flinging my body round to face her. I was so fucking angry I could barely see straight.
“Neither did I!” She screamed back at me. “But you turned up at my door anyway and made me eat and drink and wash and you helped mebreathewhen it hurt too much.” Her voice cracked. “You made me survive, Aidan. Even when I didn’t want to.”
I could see her face was red, even in the gloom. Her hair quivered in the cool ocean breeze as tears tracked down her face, and I was suddenly overwhelmed with the urge to kiss her.
So, I did.
I didn’t think about all the reasons I shouldn’t. I didn’t think about anything except I absolutely had to have her mouth. Right now.
I vanquished the space between us, grabbing her face in a vice like grip. And I kissed her.
It wasn’t a gentle kiss. It wasn’t pillowy and gentle. Sunshine,orrainbows. It was shattered glass and granite. It was fire and fury.
It was every ounce of pain and frustration we were both feeling.
Her lips mashed angrily with mine as she fought for control, but I’d never give it to her. I’d never break.
She was an impossible, infuriating girl… and I was pretty sure I loved her.
With that internal revelation, I snapped away from her and stamped away in the direction of the beach.
I needed to get away from her, because if I didn’t, I was going to break her. Physically, and mentally.
Cait couldn’t handle someone like me. Someone dark and destined for a life of destruction. I’d completely ruin her.
I ran, and I didn’t stop until I’d reached the edge of the sand and the ocean was just inches from my feet. The urge to just keep walking and submerge myself in the cold blackness was almost overwhelming.
The waves rolled through dark oblivion, and I found myself taking a step forward.
What was the point in staying?
My father would never let me leave home and go to college and have a life now. He’d want to wage a full-on war against the Loro Ombra, and I’d be expected to stand at his side and die at his side if necessary.
Why not just speed up the process?
Quinn was gone… her future had been snuffed from this earth. My mother was most likely floating around in the Hudson as fish food, and Bree… well, Brianna had never needed me.
What was the point?
Everything I cared about was gone.
Everything except the girl I’d left standing on the driveway of our vacation home and she meant more to me than anything else combined.
It didn’t matter if we weren’t right for each other romantically… I had to be there for her. She needed someone, and unfortunately for her, I was the only one around.
I couldn’t be selfish with her.