Page 65 of Wicked Rogue

I moved further inside, pacing towards our captives, and nodded to the men to signal they could leave. This was my business.

One by one they all filed out, the slamming of the doors echoing with a certain finality through the warehouse.

It stank of fear and piss…

Had one of them pissed themselves?


Perhaps they were close to feeling one tenth of the fear my sister would have felt.

“So, I hear one of you animals is into murdering kids,” I spat out as I circled them. They were all in their late sixties, greying and sweating like pigs.

“It was an accident,” one of them grated out. “She was never meant to die.” His voice wavered as I came to a stop in front of him.


He was the pissy pants. A foul puddle sat beneath his chair.

I slid my gun from its holster and rested it on his shoulder, just letting it graze his neck. “What’s your name?”

“Per…Pero,” he gulped. His skin was practically luminous with sweat, his shirt as soaked as his pants.

“I’m going to kill you, Pero.” My voice slithered out of my mouth like a viper. I barely recognized it.

“Leave him alone. It was my fault she died,” a voice yelled across the circle. He looked similar to Pero, so he must have been Arnaldo, his brother, and the other was Bastiano.

Not that it mattered. No one would ever find their bodies to be able to give them names on a headstone.

“I wasn’t paying attention and she slipped on the deck. She hit her head. We were always going to return her.”

Fury pounded through my blood.

Like that made it all better?

“She was just a child!” I screamed at him.

“I know!” He sobbed. “I’ve felt sick about it every day since.”

“You’vefelt sick?”

“I have. I wish I could change things, but I can’t. It was an accident.”

I waved the gun at him. “You kidnapped her. You set that day in motion. You killed two people… two people who were fucking loved, to get to her… it was no accident.” I spat on the floor, the words tasting sour in my mouth.

Arnaldo wisely didn’t speak again.

“What about the others? Hmm?” I paced around the circle to him, cocking the gun and pushing it against the back of his head. “Were they an accident too?”

“We were just following orders,” Pero piped up again, like that was going to save his brother.


Nothing was going to save these men.

Bastiano started to struggle against his binds, but there was no way he was getting out of them. No way any of them were getting out of here alive.

Half of me just wanted to end it now, but the other half wanted to make them beg and scream.