Page 59 of Wicked Rogue

“What?” My voice was low, dangerous… could he really have just said he wanted to make peace with the Loro Ombra?

“Your sister is right. Your mother wouldn’t have wanted all this violence and destruction in her name. Neither of them would… and all we’re going to end up with is another pile of bodies to bury. We have a common enemy, and fighting just gives the Cazadores, and any other enemy, ample opportunity to slither in. Bree is right. Making peace is the best outcome.”

“I can’t believe what I’m hearing.”

“Well I can hardly believe I’m saying it, but this is still my decision to make.” He gave me a pointed look, and I knew that he was referring to the fact that if I walked away again, I’d no longer be his heir.

But I wasn’t walking away. Not this time. I had to protect Cait, and now it seemed like I was going to have to protect my gullible father from every snake in the grass. Did he seriously think they’d accept peace? Did he really believe they wouldn’t try to mount another attack we weren’t expecting because we believed everything was cool?

No. They’d be waiting for us to let our guards down, and then they’d strike. But my father was set, and he rarely changed his mind once he’d decided on something.

I just had to bide my time. I’d be the good son, I’d be his heir, and I’d watch them like a hawk.

“I’m still killing the ones who took Mom and Quinn. I don’t care if it starts another war.”

He held his hands up, placating me. “I know. Enzo assured me there would be no blowback.”

“Oh so it’s Enzo now? First name basis with the enemy?”

“I’m not happy about this, Son, but what’s the alternative? I lose Brianna to them and continue to lose men?”

I opened my mouth to say something sarcastic but shut it at the last second. I needed to stay close to my father to protect them… the last thing I should be doing is running my mouth. He could send me away and then what?

I had no choice but to agree and stand by my father. It was the only way I could protect him.

“Alright,” I sighed, my shoulders sagging.

Dad nodded and stood. “We’re to meet them now.”

“Now!” I raged, my spine stiffening again. That was hardly enough time to stake out their members to learn more about their plan…

“Yes. Now. Let’s go.” He shrugged into his jacket and gestured to the door.

Fucking hell.

My skin crawled. We were going to be well out of our depths.

I pulled out my cellphone and found Cait’s number in my contacts. I was probably the last person she wanted to hear from, but she deserved to know about her parents’ killers.

I shot her a text, and then stuffed the phone back in my pocket as we headed outside.

* * *

Brianna met us on the porch, but she wouldn’t make eye contact with me. She knew she’d fucked up with this thing between her and our enemy. Only thing was, how was she going to fix it?

Even if we made peace with the Italians, she could never be with Enzo…

I’d not even considered Bree when making my plan to stay. I had no doubt she’d cause a massive scene about it, that was just what she was like.

How would their friendship fare when Cait got on a plane and never come back? I would like to think my sister would be happy for her best friend starting a new life, but when all this went down and she was forced to give up Enzo, it wouldn’t exactly put her in the most forgiving mood.

Bree and my father rode in one car, whilst I slid into the back of one of his other sedans with Carrick and Niall, his two lieutenants. For the first time in a long time, I wore a gun holster with a loaded weapon tucked inside.

My shoulders grew tenser the closer we got, but when we poured out of the cars outside the club, Bree looked completely relaxed.

Just how close was she to Enzo?

She entered first, and me and my father followed just behind her, flanked by Carrick and Niall. Everyone was on high alert, but Bree didn’t seem worried.