Page 6 of Anyone And You

“That’s better,” Axel muttered. He gave me the raccoon, and I cuddled it close to me as we turned. Onlookers cat-called and moved out of our way, a few women leering at Axel as we passed, but he didn’t seem to notice.

It was only when we’d gotten out of earshot that I found my voice again.

“You didn’t have to do that,“ I said.

Axel paused to face me. “I did,” he said. “The look on your face when he did that… I couldn’t stand to see it. And I hate cheats.” He glared back over his shoulder at the still baffled attendant. “I hate people like that taking advantage of people. Carnivals are always crawling with crooks looking to make a buck.”

I reached out and reassuringly rubbed his arm. “Such a cynic,” I mocked, trying to ease his mood. “There’s more to festivals than cheats and thieves. Look at all these happy people. Don’t you hear the laughter?”

A heavy sigh left him. He took his beanie off and ran a hand through his dark hair before shaking his head. “I scared you,” he said as he met my eyes.

I balked slightly. “What—by threatening that idiot for being a swindler? No,” I reassured him. I took the beanie from his hands and put it back on his head, catching the swallow and dilated gaze he was looking at me with. “It was pretty hot.”

The corner of his lips flinched like he might smile, but for the thousandth time, it seemed I'd imagined it.

But I was determined.

“Come on,” I said, slipping my arm into his again. “I think I’ve had enough of the games. Time for rides—we’ll start slow,” I said with a wink.

“Is there any other way?” he said, taking me by surprise.

I glanced sideways at him. “Not if you want to truly enjoy it.”

There was desire in his eyes, and I hoped he couldn’t feel the way my heart was racing right then.


SHE WOULD BE the death of me.

The look on her face when that cheat tried to keep her from winning… I thought I’d lose my mind. But the way she just looked at me, the way I felt when she was so excited about that damn game...

I was in deep shit.

I paid for the ride tickets at the booth, brushing her off when she offered to pay instead.

“Six tickets each,” I said as I held them up to her. “Choose wisely.”

That smile melted me to my knees as she took her six from my hand. “Teacups,” she said.

My entire face furrowed at the word, and I glanced behind her toward the teacups ride. “Isn’t that for kids?”

“Not entirely,” she said before taking my hand. “You don't get motion sick, do you?”

I shook my head. “Never. You?”

“The adrenaline usually keeps it at bay,” she answered. “Come on.”

I let her pull me into that ride, where quite a few kids and their parents were also on it. Once we were seated, she laughed at the expression on my face.

“Oh, come on, grumpy face,” she said. “Let it go. Have a little fun.”

She made me want to.


The ride began, and we both placed our hands on the wheel. She looked around at the others, at how slow they were spinning, and a wicked glint rose in her eyes.

“Faster than everyone else,” she said. “So fast we throw up.”