Page 9 of Rogue Hunter

“We need every advantage we can get so everyone remains safe.” He reasoned stepping toward me, his eyes revealing more than they ever had.

Glancing down at his hand I saw that his fingers were rubbing together, almost like they itched. Like mine did when mine tingled to hold my bow. Could he be itching to touch me?

My heart leapt at the possibility, and I watched as his silver eyes locked onto the pulse in my neck. I fought a blush not wanting to reveal the shift between us to the others just yet.

“Alright.” I agreed, doing my best to get attention off of me.

It worked with most but when I turned to Will he deliberately looked from me to Einri then his nostrils flared, and his eyes flashed. The next second,he’d exited the tent and I feared I’d upset him.

Could I catch a break?


I slowly followed Will, admittedly dragging my feet a little bit. I knew we needed to have a cousin conversation, but I’d be lying if I said I was looking forward to it. Talking about ‘feelings’ wasn’t exactly one of my strong suits. My fingers itched for my bow, and I was tempted to postpone speaking with Will until after I’d grabbed it but decided in the end it was best to get our chat done and over with. I made a mental note to grab it as soon as we finished our talk.

Will was waiting for me by a large tree, and I absently noticed that it would make a great climbing tree. I wonder if-

“Arrow, has Einri done something to make you feel uncomfortable?”

Wait, what?I glanced sharply at Will, and noticed he was practically shaking, and his eyes were bright with his wolf.

“Because if he has, I will - “

“No! He has been a perfect gentleman, why on earth would you think that?”

He crossed his arms and looked at me. “I’m not a kid anymore, ‘Row. We’re all each other has now, and if someone has made any unwelcome advances towards you…”

I was beginning to get exasperated by his insistence. I didn’t need anyone else fighting my battles for me. “First of all, William, I’m rather insulted by your insinuation. If I said nothing has happened, then that means nothing has happened! And secondly, not that it’s any of your business, if he did decide to ‘make an advance to me,’ it would be welcomed!” I was breathing hard by the end of my tirade, and the admission half startled me. I realized at that moment that it was one hundred percent accurate, and I wondered when these feelings had come to fruition.

I watched as understanding slowly dawned across Will’s face, and he shifted his feet awkwardly. “Nidar’s teeth, ‘Row. I … I don’t know what to say.” He rubbed his face, and if it were any other time, I’d be amused at the fact he was picking up the mannerism from Einri.

“Well, you can start with an apology.” I barely resisted from tapping my foot. This was not at all how I had imagined this conversation would go.

He looked at me sheepishly. “I’m sorry, ‘Row. I just saw the way he looked at you, and then you blushed, and I -oh.”

“Yeah. Oh.” I mocked, now fully enjoying his discomfort. Growing up as close as we did, we didn’t often have disagreements, but when we did, they were often just as intense as they were quick, thankfully.

He snorted in amusement for a moment, then sobered. “I really am sorry, ‘Row. I didn’t mean to call you a liar. We’ve just had such a rough time lately, and I haven’t been able to talk to you much, and…” He trailed off, looking to the side distractedly.

My cousin-sense perked up just then, but I couldn’t put my finger on what was bothering me. I could just tell something was off. “And what, Will? What’s going on with you?” I asked gently, reaching out to rest my hand on his arm. I could feel that he had goose flesh, but something told me it wasn’t due to the colder weather.

He glanced at me a moment, then looked away a second, and it almost looked like he was … ashamed? Maybe embarrassed? He tried to shrug me off, but I wasn’t about to let him.

“What is it, Will? Tell me, please.” I entreated softly.

He looked at me miserably. “I just - I can feel himall the time. It’s like every thought, everything I see, smell, touch, hear… it all filters throughhimand his instincts, and it makes me want to do the strangest things. It… it feels like I’m no longerme.”

“Your wolf?” I asked, tentatively.

He nodded and tried to shrug it off again. I took a moment to consider my next words. My heart ached for him.

“You went through something traumatic, and then before you could really get your feet under you, you went through something else that was traumatic.” He looked at me miserably, and I wrapped my arms around him. “I think that feeling is perfectly understandable, and even correct. You aren’t the same boy that left the castle with Little John and me those weeks ago. You’re older, somewhat wiser.” I teased gently and was rewarded with a tiny flicker of amusement. I’d take what I could get. “But I don’t think your wolf is someone else. I think it’s just a different version of yourself, and it’s going to take some time getting used to.”

He shook his head. “I’m not convinced any part of me, past or present, should have as great an urge to pee on everything as I currently do.” He said wryly, clearly trying to steer this conversation away from deep waters. I decided I’d let him off easy, for now. But I’d be watching him closely.

“You pee on my bedroll, and I’ll burn your favorite stick.” I threatened, and he let out a bark of laughter.

“Deal.” He laughed, and we shook on it.