Page 7 of Rogue Hunter

He’d saved my life and then I’d saved his. We were even as far as I was concerned. If he had anything to say about that…then I’d slap him. Sure, we had a moment the day before, but I’d convinced myself that it hadn’t been that big of a moment. It was better that way.

Einri marched us into the trees, far enough that we were still in ear shot but couldn’t be seen. He dropped my hand then took a couple steps away from me. I crossed my arms doing my best to not think about how he’d cupped my cheeks, the lost look in his eyes, or how he’d stared at my lips.


I blinked, bringing Einri back into focus and found that he was standing in front of me with a look on his face that I wanted to either smack or kiss off.


“I'm sorry but what did you say?” I cleared my throat and watched his frown deepen.

“I said that we should talk about our options.” He said, surprising me.

“Uh…you need to repeat that because I think I’m hallucinating. Since when do you ask my opinion? Must be a cold day in Raros’ realm for you to come to me.”

“Arrow, I think it best we work together.” He said, reasonably but I’d never known him to be reasonable about anything when it came to me.

I held up a hand stopping him from speaking. My mind was whirling with what he’d just said.Work together.What did that mean?

“I don’t understand.”

“Look…back at the castle I watched you stand up for my people. If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t be here. I owe you a debt of gratitude not just for my life but for all of theirs too.” He sounded and looked genuine,but after fighting him every step of the way I was having trouble accepting his words.

I spluttered, unable to form words or even string two thoughts together. Add in our moment the day before and I was convinced the trickster Imp was messing with my head.

“Arrow.” He growled, then stepped closer using a finger to tip my head back so I could see his stormy eyes with hints of green. “It took you nearly dying for me to realize that you aren’t my enemy.”

“I never was your enemy.” I whispered, thinking of all the distrust and hostility he held toward me. I didn’t understand it then or now. “Why did you push me away?”

“Because I sensed something familiar in you and I couldn’t afford to be manipulated again.” His words rang with truth and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt.

I knew what he had sensed in me. Asena had painted a very vivid picture of what I was. I hadn’t had time to process that little revelation yet. I was a Moon Maiden. I had power within me that had been waiting untouched until it had been awakened. What did it mean?

Einri’s fingers brushed a stray strand of hair out of my eyes and tucked it behind my ear. His touch was tender and it made my heart leap. His eyes met mine again and time stood still as we stared at each other. For the first time we were completely open,and it was exhilarating and terrifying at the same time.

His hand cupped my cheek while the other one landed on my hip. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his as he gently pulled me toward him until we were almost touching. Looking up at him it struck me how tall he was, not to mention muscular. His usually clean shaven face was now covered in long stubble and it added to his rugged demeanor.

My fingers itched but this time not for my bow. An overwhelming need to touch him spurred me into action. I placed my hand against his chest, right over his heart. His nostrils flared as he inhaled,and I watched fascinated as his eyes flashed silver and something I could only describe as hunger entered them. Then they dipped to my lips.

Fire exploded inside me hot enough that I gasped at the intensity. I felt the urge to close my eyes,but I couldn’t break my gaze from his face. He leaned down and I thought for sure this time he’d kiss me. I licked my lips in anticipation, imagining what he’d taste like.

“Arrow? Einri?” Brex’s voice called,and we both froze. “The Eylendians [VD8] intercepted Tuck and accompanied them here.”

“We’ll be right there.” Einri called back, his voice rougher than usual.

He looked at me then swallowed hard and took a step back, dropping his hands. I withdrew mine feeling disappointed that we’d been interrupted.

“We should go.” He said, thickly while I could only nod. “Can we talk more? Later?”

“I don’t see why not.” I replied, feeling my face grow hot at the thought of more alone time with him.

A smirk tugged on his lips that I wouldn’t have expected five minutes ago. Our dynamic had definitely shifted,and I was looking forward to exploring it further but first we needed to see the others.

The walk back to our people was strange. Not only had Einri and I come to some sort of unspoken agreement, but I could feel it somehow. The looks we garnered as we followed Brex were wary while I caught a few knowing smiles. I’d have to investigate later.

The men of the Greenwood were used to setting up and moving so that in the short time Einri and I had been away tents had been erected and fires were lit. The smell of wood smoke filled the air making our situation not seem as dire.

Brex stopped at a tent and the flap was thrown open for her. She ducked inside and we followed her. Will was already there standing by the door looking very serious. When did my easy-going cousin get so rigid? He had done some growing up since becoming a wolf and while I still thought of it as a curse, I was starting to think maybe it had been good for him.