Page 33 of Rogue Hunter

“Here.” Brex held out her hand, and I handed her the letter with some small apprehension. Was I ready to know the contents? “You won’t be able to focus until you know what this letter says.” She reasoned as she tore open the envelope.

I watched in fascination as I thought back to the Brex I knew back at the castle. That Brex was content to follow, but this Brex was stronger, more forceful, and I loved seeing her growth over the past few weeks.

She pulled the letter out of the envelope and cleared her throat, eyes skimming the letter quickly. Her eyebrows raised almost to her hairline, and I barely resisted the urge to snatch the letter from her. “King Rusalko wants to parlay.” She said in obvious astonishment.

“What?” I questioned, while Little John just grunted. She handed the letter to me, and I grabbed it as Little John leaned over my shoulder to read it with me.

“What do you think of it, Little John?”

“I think it's suspicious he only wants to meet with you and Einri.”

I nodded as I contemplated the contents of the letter. There wasn’t much information to go off of, as he simply asked for Einri and me to meet with him under the terms of parlay, but I simply didn’t trust him. “I agree. Let’s see what Einri has to say about this.”And everything else I learned from Rekker,I added silently.

The rest of our journey back to the Greenwood was uneventful. Epione woke up the next morning as we were a few hours from our destination, but she didn’t have any information for us. She said she was only giving the men a piece of her mind when Rekker ‘stabbed me with a needle like a little bitch.’ Her words.

“Arrow!” Will was the first to notice us as we neared the Greenwood, having been on guard duty, it seemed. “Epione! You’re back!” He grabbed a small trumpet from a string around his neck and gave three quick blasts, then rushed towards us. I returned his effusive hug and waited as he hugged Epione.

“Will, where is Einri?

Will’s expression quickly morphed at my hard tone. “Uh, he’s at the practice ring last I checked. What happened?”

“I need some answers, that’s what.” I said as I started towards the practice field.

“Ooookay, then.” Will fell into step with Little John, and I overheard him ask Little John “What flew into her trousers?”

I ignored them both. I needed to get my answers from Einri, especially about my father. Not knowing was tearing me up inside.

Fortunately, Einri was leaning against the practice ring watching a match between two men of the Greenwood. I paid them no mind. I had one single goal in mind, and if he still wanted a chance at sharing furs, he’d better answer my questions.

“Was my father a traitor?” The words blurted out in a furious whisper as soon as I was within hearing distance. The group of men surrounding Einri suddenly dissipated, and I was grateful for their consideration, even if I didn’t think it was necessary. They probably knew my father better than I did if Rekker was to be believed.

Einri turned to face me fully but waited until the last of his men left the area before responding. My toe started tapping the ground long before that happened.

“Your father was one of the bravest men I know, and I was proud to call him friend.” He responded, and I could feel my muscles relax slightly. I hadn’t realized how tense I had become.

I tried to consciously relax my muscles further and continued talking to Einri – instead of whisper yelling at him. “Did you and he plan to take over the kingdoms of Brural and Thimmaria together?” I needed to know this wasn’t his goal. I’m not sure my heart could take it if he had lied to me so spectacularly. I had promised myself I would honor our partnership, but I couldn’t forgive duplicity. I just couldn’t.

Einri’s eyebrows almost merged with his hairline. “What? Where did you hear a fool theory like that? That would destroy the kingdoms!” He exclaimed, his own voice beginning to get heated.

I mean, fair.

“Rekker insinuated that’s what you and my father were planning to do. That you and he were gathering an army of changed men, both from Brural and Thimmaria. That my father was a traitor to the crown and King Graeme.”

Einri heaved a heavy sigh and rubbed the back of his neck. “That’s only half true, and a twisted version, at that.” He looked around. “Why don’t we go to the tent and talk privately.”

“I would also like to hear what my Uncle Jasiro was up to.” Will piped up from behind me, startling me. I thought he had gone with the others when we entered the clearing.

Einri nodded to him. “We’ll be more comfortable sitting. There are chairs in the cook tent.”

We entered the tent to find Tuck already inside and preparing supper into a large kettle. Einri gave him a friendly nod and continued over to some chairs. After motioning for us to sit, he placed his chair so that it was facing both Will and me. After we were comfortable, with Tuck quietly making food in the background, a comforting background noise, he began.

“I met your father after he was sent to the front and had already long suspected something more was going on. When he saw that Rusalko had begun experimenting on Thimmarians as well as Bruralians, he was livid. To say the least.” Einri paused a moment before continuing, and I could almost see him replaying the memory in his mind. “I think that was the moment when he lost faith in Graeme. Eventually, we realized that we had similar goals, and he asked me to help him.”

I gave him a side eye, recognizing that he was glossing over what is probably a juicy story, but I let him get away with it. I needed the ending more than I needed details, I decided.

“He had the idea of creating a show of force to discourage Rusalko from preying on innocents, and from there, over time it morphed into a safe haven for those that were infected, with the agreement that the men who were able would help fight when needed.”

He turned to me and looked me dead in the eyes. “Jasiro was one of the finest and most justly minded men I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I know Graeme thought his actions were treasonous, but they were never aimed at undermining him. He believed it was his duty to protect the people he was appointed to serve.”