Page 29 of Rogue Hunter

I swear by the Moon Maiden I just might strangle her when we meet up. If this is how Einri felt when I left yesterday, then I might have to apologize. Maybe.

I settled in to wait for Brexley’s distraction, worrying at my lip. She had better not be putting herself in harm's way… I paused my thoughts and reminded myself that Brex was smart and capable. I sighed and looked at Ruby. “Well? Do you have any words of wisdom? Everybody else seems to have them…” I grumbled.

Ruby cocked his head adorably and I smiled. He let out a whine and a quiet howl noise that sounded suspiciously like “Nooo.” I looked at him curiously.

“Did you… Did you just try to speak?”

He just sneezed on me and turned to watch the camp again.

“Gross, Ruby! Ugh.” I wiped at my clothes, trying to rub the wolf snot off. “I thought we were friends.” I glared at him, but he just ignored me, tail wagging softly. I decided to be the bigger person and ignore it.

We sat there for a few minutes more, waiting for our opportunity. We didn’t have to wait for very long.


I looked to the left where the explosion happened and watched as heads began poking out of tents and hastily built wood lean-tos as shouts echoed around. After a few stunned seconds, the air filled with the crackling of fire and the stomping of boots as men poured out of their tents and began running towards the fire. I didn’t know how she could always manage a fiery distraction, but Brex always delivered. The pyromaniac.

A crazy grin split my face, and Ruby and I darted into the camp, keeping low. “Lead me to her, Ruby.” I requested under my breath, keeping close behind him. He led me in a circular route, staying as far away from the side of the fire as possible, until he stood outside an unremarkable tent. I couldn’t tell a single difference between it and the ones nearby.

“Thank you, Ruby.” I rubbed his head. “Come on, let’s bring her out, okay?” I ducked through the tent flaps without waiting for a reply.

I stepped in and to the left, waiting for my eyes to adjust to the darker interior. It was a large tent and seemed to be sectioned into two rooms. Not seeing Epione in the “room” I had walked into, I searched for signs of trouble before moving to the second “room.” Everything seemed normal, if a bit plain. There was a table to the right, with a chair, and a few sacks of something to the right, and precious else. On my guard, I slowly walked to the curtain separating the rooms. I put my hand out, then thought better of it. I slowly took my bow from my shoulder and nocked it with an arrow from my quiver. Then, with my nocked arrow, I pulled the curtain back and peeked in.

There in the back was a bed, with Epione sleeping in it. My heart tried to jump out of my throat before I swallowed it down. “Epione!” I hissed. “Epione, wake up! It’s time to go!”

She didn’t stir, so I tried one more time. “Epione!” I whisper shouted.

She still didn’t move, and dread crawled through my veins with aching slowness. “No, Epione… Let’s go.” I pleaded.

I took a step inside the room, and let the material fall behind me, lowering my bow. “Epione…” I tried one more time, then forced my feet to move. Maybe they just gave her a sleeping potion.

As I drew beside her, I put my bow and arrow away and knelt beside her.

My hand shook slightly as I reached out to hover my hand over her mouth and nose, watching her chest, hoping and praying to see it rise, or to feel the touch of her breath.


I choked back a sob.

This couldn’t be happening. Not again.

I didn’t think my heart could handle another loss.

I rested my hand on her forehead. It was still slightly warm, and I cursed to myself. IknewI should have gotten here faster! I should have pushed harder, not taken so long to decide. Had I not waited, she might have had a chance… Another sob ripped out my throat, and I almost missed the soft footstep beside me. But not the vicious growls of Ruby.

Whirling, I stared into the eyes of Rekker.

“You’re later than I expected.” He mocked, and my lip curled involuntarily.

“You’re a monster.” I whispered.

“Oh no, my dear. I’m not the monster here, trust me. There are far worse than me where you’re going.”

Ruby’s snarls grew in volume, and I saw him crouch down in preparation out of the corner of my eye.

So did Rekker.

“If your wolf attacks me, I won’t be able to tell you why we’re here.” He said, crossing his arms looking incredibly smug, the bastard.