Page 25 of Rogue Hunter

Einri stared at our hands, his thumb rubbing the back of my knuckles, absently.

“And if I told you I have a bad feeling about you going, does that count for anything?” He wondered, sounding vulnerable and it made my heart clench.

“Of course, it counts.” I stepped closer, placing my other hand on his chest. “How do we go forward if we’re being pulled in two different directions?”

He covered my hand on his chest with his, releasing my other one to grip my hip and pull me closer. He buried his nose into my hair, inhaling deeply.

“I promised you could lead beside me as my partner, that we’d do this together.” His voice traveled from my hair to my neck making me shiver deliciously. Finally, he sighed, leaning back so he could look me in the eye. “I’ll let you go on one condition.”

“What’s that?” I whispered, curious despite myself.

“That you move into my tent permanently.” His eyebrows rose daring me to protest.

I swallowed, knowing it was an impossible thing to ask of me and loving how improper it was. The ladies from court would be touching their throat and gasping at such a request. The audacity made my heartbeat faster and my breathing to quicken.

“Keep the furs warm for me,” I said, rising and placing a kiss to the corner of his mouth then turned quickly and walked away.

Brex met me on my way back to the others, feeling Einri’s eyes on my back and swaying my hips like I’d seen other lady’s do when they knew men’s eyes were on them.

“When are we leaving?” Brex asked, brusquely, causing my swaying to falter.

“Leaving?” I queried, raising my eyebrow in confusion.

“To get Epione from Rekker.” She replied, then spit on the ground after she said his name.

“We don’t know for sure that Rekker has her, once we know then we’ll get her back.” I said, unsure why I was being so short with her.

“Whatever. I’m still going.” She had a pack on her back and my bow and quiver in her hands.

“Brex, I don’t think going is a good idea.” She eyed me with a look that said she wasn’t buying what I was trying to sell.

“You’re going and promised to warm Einri’s furs permanently.” I gasped, pointing a finger at her angrily. “I eavesdropped, get over it.” She rolled her eyes impatiently then turned to me with a look of guilt on her face. “Epione told me where she was going so,I could keep an eye on her. I turned away for a moment and then she was gone.”

I pulled her into my arms, squeezing her against me.

“No one blames you, Brex.” I told her seriously.

“No but I blame myself.” She sniffled and I knew I couldn’t leave her behind.

“Well, you’re all packed. Let’s grab Little John and get going.” I released her and she nodded, biting her lip worriedly.

I looked over my shoulder expecting to see Einri still standing there staring at me longingly, but no one was there. I sighed, turning to follow Brex as she searched for Little John.

* * *

“Do not engage.”Einri’s last words to me rang in my ears long after we’d left the camp behind.

Little John set a brisk pace that Brex and I were determined to keep up with. Queen Mavka had outfitted both of us in soft buckskin trousers, high boots, and a warm fur cloak made of coarse fur that itched.

“Trousers.” Brex muttered, walking more freely than she ever had.

“I told you they were freeing.” I huffed out a laugh.

“I thought they’d be cold but dare I say I’m warmer than I have been since we entered the Icelands.” She replied, a bit baffled.

“It’s the buckskin.” I nodded, loving not having a cumbersome skirt to walk around.

“How far is it?” Brex asked Little John who was leading the way.