Page 20 of Rogue Hunter

It was either very late or very early. The sky was black and filled with stars with no hint of approaching dawn. Einri followed me out of the tent, his hand grabbing mine and leading me through the darkness. I stayed close to his side so I would not trip over something in our path, but I shouldn’t have worried.

Toward the edge of camp, I spotted movement in the shadows. Three wolves circled the area and I recognized the glowing eyes of Will and Tuck. The third must be Ruby.

“Come with us.” Einri ordered, turning and leading the three wolves into camp.

Stopping at a tent, Einri pulled the flap open gesturing to the wolves to enter first. There was no argument as they trotted into the dark interior.

“Wait here a moment.” Einri requested, slipping into the tent behind them.

A spark lit up the tent as someone built a fire inside.

“You can come in, Arrow.” Einri called and I rushed in.

Will and Tuck were dressed sitting around the fire while Ruby was laying on the bed of furs on the ground, his brown eyes observing everything.

“Are you alright?” I asked Will, cupping his face in my hands.

“I’m fine.” He mumbled, my hands preventing proper speech.

“Thank the Gods.” I exclaimed, pulling him into a hug. “I’m so sorry.”

“For what?” Will asked, voice muffled by my fur lining.

“I shouldn’t have asked you to go after him.” My voice cut out before I could finish. He was the only family I had left, and I couldn’t stand the thought of something happening to him.

“It’s alright, Row.” He said, returning my embrace.

“We followed for a long time then we lost his trail. I think he shifted because his scent changed slightly then gradually disappeared. We searched the surrounding area but couldn’t find any trace of him, so we headed back.” Tuck reported, holding his hands over the crackling flames.

“Did you recognize him?” Einri wondered.

“Yeah, definitely one of Rekker’s.” Tucked confirmed and my blood ran cold.

“What does this mean? What can we do?” I asked, wringing my hands together thinking of how I’d barely escaped him last time.

“I don’t know.” Einri answered, frowning.

“We should have stayed out there. He’d have to reappear at some point.” Will interjected angrily.

“We needed to return and report.” Tuck replied, calmly.

Will growled and I started rubbing his back to help calm him.

“We knew Rekker was on our trail; this just proves he’s sent out scouts. The fire probably tipped him off. We’re safe here though.” Einri said, not looking as worried as I thought he should be.

“What if they follow us here?” I wondered, thinking of all the trouble we brought to these peaceful people.

“I don’t doubt they will, but we’ve got friends here. Rekker won’t do anything until he knows what he’s dealing with.” Einri answered, thoughtfully.

I prayed that he was right.

I absently stirred my breakfast porridge and mulled over our options. We were safe enough for the moment, but I wasn't sure how long we would be able to sponge off of King Stakar and Queen Mavka's hospitality. We needed a plan for the Greenwood.

However, there were several obstacles interfering with our ability to make long range decisions.

Not least of which was Rekker.

Yet, I couldn't help but feel there was something… something that I was overlooking. That niggling sense in the back of my mind that teased me with the possibility there was something I wasn't considering, some angle I hadn't yet thought of. It was driving me mad.