Page 13 of Rogue Hunter

“That was needed.” I said, staring down into my empty cup. I wasn’t entirely sure if I was talking about the chocolate or the conversation. Probably both.

“Stakar has advised you to leave because of the threat that follows you. I agree that our people cannot fight with you unless it is a unanimous decision. I want you to stay because I sense power in you, and I’d like to help you control your power.” She shook her head then looked at me trying to portray something without speaking it into words. “Eliminate the threat. I’d love to stick a pole in Asena’s wheel.”

“You know her?” I asked, surprised and wary now.

“She came to us, and we offered her sanctuary. Like she’s done to you, she turned on us and nearly drove us to kill each other. I banished her myself. I should have killed her, but she taught me about this place and its magic. I can teach you too.”

“I…I don’t know what to say.” It was a grand gesture and one I appreciated.

“You don’t have to agree to anything but think on my offer. Don’t forget about your tails.” She said with a wink.

The soldiers following us were a problem. She was right. We couldn’t go further until we dealt with our tail. Recker was coming and a spark ignited in my chest. He hadn’t killed my father, but he was in league with the hag who did and killing him would be a blow to Asena.

I needed to talk to Einri.

“My Queen?” Stakar called from the outside of the tent. “Are you in there?”

“Yes, my King.” The Queen smiled a playful sparkle in her eye. A younger me would find it gross but the adult me was intrigued by their love.

The flap was thrown back and the King and Einri stood outside looking in at the tiny tent. My heart leaped when I caught Einri’s silver eyes roaming over me, and my cheeks heated.

“It is late, we must be returning.” Einri spoke respectfully and it was nice to hear him speak normally for a change.

“I’ve offered you both horses, but Einri assured me you’d be just fine walking.” Stakar said, slapping Einri on the back.

“We walked here so walking back shouldn’t be too hard.” I said, knowing full well that Einri and his wolf knew exactly how to get back to our people.

Our people.

The thought struck me, and I glanced at the Queen to see her smiling mischievously at me.

“Oh, before you leave.” The Queen said, standing and going to her workbench. She rustled through things muttering to herself before she returned with a bundle in her arms. “This will ward away the chill.”

She handed me a bundle of fur and for a moment I thought it might be a wolf hide.

“Wild bison roam the north going west seeking a warmer climate. Their fur is the best.” The king praised and I felt the tension bleed from my shoulders.

“Thank you, my Queen.” I bowed my head respectfully.

“Please, call me Mavka.” I nodded and grinned silently, thanking her for her kindness and guidance.

I wrapped the heavy fur around my shoulders finding a clasp and managed to fasten it without assistance. Stepping from the tent I immediately missed the warmth but found that the fur was far warmer than my regular cloak. Einri offered me his arm and after a respectable bow to Stakar and Mavka we began our walk back to the camp.

“Did you have a nice time with the Queen?” Einri asked, once we were out of earshot of the camp.

“Yes, I did.” I wanted to tell him everything that she’d said but I didn’t know where to begin.

“I’m glad.” He said, awkwardly clearing his throat.

“Einri.” I said, pulling him to a stop. We needed to talk before we returned. “The Queen told me how Stakar found her. They weathered months together before they led these people. We don’t have months, but we do have now. We’ve got people who rely on us, and it would be better if we showed a cohesive front.”

The moonlight reflected off Einri’s silver irises making them appear to glow. They were beautiful and full of heat that I didn’t understand but I recognized.

“What do you need from me?” He asked, his voice a husky purr that made my mouth go dry.

“I need to know we can do this together. That you’ll give me time to handle whatever I need to and not make any rash decisions without my input.” I said quickly so he couldn’t interrupt.

“Done.” He replied and the lack of fight took me off guard.