Page 11 of Rogue Hunter

I looked around at the people ready to serve us and got the sense that they were more nervous ofusthan they were of King Stakar. As one girl led me to my chair, I heard the king’s loud voice again.

“My queen, allow me to introduce to you our guests tonight! Einri of the Greenwood, and Arrow of Loxley, I would like to introduce to you Queen Mavka.” He bowed deeply to the queen as he kissed her hand, and I wanted to melt into a puddle of water under my seat. The pure, unadulterated love that shone in his eyes was staggering. I’d never seen a king quite so in love before. At least not with someone other than himself.

Without fully meaning to, I was charmed by the King and his lady.

Einri cleared his throat, and King Stakar straightened. “Ah, we are making our guests uncomfortable. I apologize. It has been a while since we last had invited guests here, my manners are a bit rusty. Please, eat up, and ask as many questions as you wish.”

“How do we know this food and drink isn’t poisoned?” Einri blurted, and I kicked his shin.

King Stakar just laughed and walked over to the steaming plates of food the servants had just set before us. “Here, let me put your minds at rest, shall I?”

With what seemed to be a mischievous flourish, King Stakar took several bites of food from our plate and chewed noisily. “Would you like for me to show you the drinks are also free of poison?” He asked, and his eyes most definitely twinkled.

“No, m’lord, that is sufficient.” Einri choked out, and I sat there, bewildered. Since when did a King act as the food tester for his guests? That was a job that belonged to the lowest of the low! King Stakar was like no king I had ever met, or even heard of.

“Lady Arrow, my husband tells me that Asena the Deceiver has infiltrated Thimmaria. Do you know of her plans?” Queen Mavka’s soothing alto voice distracted me from the King, and I picked up my jaw to answer her.

“Unfortunately, I only know that she and King Graeme seem to be working together, and he is no longer the man I knew.” I could feel a decision percolating inside my chest, waiting to see if I would decide to trust these two disconcerting sovereigns.

“You said in the woods that you were more worried about the armies that followed us, than our intentions. What did you mean by that?” I turned to hear King Stakar’s response to Einri’s question, my curiosity piqued.

He sighed, and some of the mirth in his eyes died. “King Graeme does not know our numbers or our location, and I wish to keep it that way. My great-grandfather founded Eylend, and over time we have grown to be a prosperous people, fighting for survival in the harsh weather of the Ice Lands. I cannot in good conscience put that at risk, unless the people agree to do so.”

“You would give the people a choice in the matter?” I interrupted.

“Of course. It is their lives and livelihoods that would be put at risk, is it not?”

“Well, yes.” I nodded, slowly. “I’ve just never heard of a King who would do such a thing.”

“The Eylend gave my husband the title ‘king,’ but in truth he is more a mediator and judge.” Queen Mavka explained.

My food completely forgotten, I stared in wonder at the King and Queen.Are they for real?

“While my successor wasn’t of blood relation, the people decided who would lead them next. I was hesitant, as I was an unruly youth and leadership did not rest easily on my shoulders. With Mavka at my side I’ve grown into the leader I wished to be, and my people need me to be. I’ve made many mistakes along the way, but that’s how we learn.”

I stared at Stakar with wide eyes when he finished speaking. He reminded me of my father who always preached that a lead was employed by his people. It was the leadership’s job to protect those beneath them, shelter them, and if need be, fight for them.

That was the foundation that Thimmaria had been built upon. My father believed in justice and fairness which was why he left to fight in the war, because it was his duty. But along the way it changed. Greed and jealousy entered Graeme’s heart and he forgot what it meant to be King. He had no one to answer to for his actions except for the easily silenced.

How could the ideals of a kingdom be so easily skewed?

“Lady Arrow?” A soft female voice asked, and I blinked, bringing the room back into focus.

Everyone was staring at me with alarm and concern on their faces. Turning to Einri for a clue I found him kneeling beside me, my hand clasped in both of his. Predatory silver eyes watched me, and I tried to pull myself together. Black edged in the corners of my vision, but I focused on the gleam of Einri’s eyes to keep it at bay. It wasn’t enough.

“My apologies.” I began, then took a sip of my drink to soothe my anxiety. “I need some air. If you’ll excuse me.”

I pulled my hand away from Einri, ignoring his worried look, stood and made my way out of the tent.

The frigid air hit my face like a slap, and I gasped, watching my breath turn into a fog. I turned right and strolled along the tent until I reached a pole that was some sort of support for the tent. I wrapped my hands around it and closed my eyes as I did my best to pull myself together.

What must they think of me? A highborn lady unable to sit through a meal without panicking. A weakness, surely. I had to tell Einri I wasn’t fit to be by his side during these things. He needed to choose someone else. Someone who wasn’t utterly broken inside.

“Lady Arrow?” A soft voice spoke as an arm wrapped around my shoulders.

“I’m sorry.” I muttered my apology to the Queen as tears rolled down my cheeks.

“No need to apologize. Come with me and we’ll find something hot to drink. Leave the men to talk about unnecessary, boring things.” She said, eliciting a strained chuckle from me.