Page 44 of Rogue Hunter

“Here are your rooms my lady.” The servant stopped by a door turning to me expectantly.

“No. We stay together.” Einri spoke harshly, but I placed a hand on his arm.

“It’s alright. It’s proper.” I whispered to him, patting his chest reassuringly.

“My lord’s room is just down the hall.” The servant motioned to the door down the hall by the window.

“We’ll be fine.” I smiled, putting as much reassurance into my words as I could muster.

Einri’s eyes searched my face, then he finally nodded, slipping his hand from mine. “See you at dinner.”

Einri walked down the hall as I opened the door to the room assigned to me. I watched him go,unsure if he was upset or if it was just being back here. The feel of this place had gotten to me in the beginning, but I think I was looking for something to be off.

I turned back to the door and swung it open. The room was immaculate, but my eyes were drawn to a painting above the fireplace. A woman with skin as dark as the night sky spread out behind her. The only way to discern her from the blackness was the white glow that emanated from her skin. Her dress was white and shone with a milky white light. She held a scepter in her hand at the top a crescent moon with clouds surrounding it. While her other hand gripped the end of a white cloth that was tied around her eyes.

She was beautiful, breaktaking, the power of the painting held me transfixed for several minutes. I’d seen depictions of the Moon Maiden before but never like this. She looked ethereal and strong like she could behead just as easily as nurture.

The light in the room faded as I stared at the painting, finding new things to look at every time I tried to turn away.

A knock on the door startled me back to awareness and I looked around at the room trying to remember what I was supposed to be doing.

An emerald green dress was laid on the bed and I frowned at it, unsure if it was meant for me to wear. Another knock had me dashing to the door and opening it to reveal the King.

“Oh, your majesty.” I floundered through another curtsy with my breeches, watching him smirk at my laughable attempt.

“No need to bow.” Rusalko said, gesturing for me to straighten with a small smile on his face. “I’m wondering if you’ve seen my brother lately?”

“No, last I saw he was heading to his room.” I pointed down the hallway at the door.

“Hmm, he must have gone for a walk.” Rusalko said, frowning at the closed door.

“I can help you look.” I offered, my gut twisting unpleasantly at the thought of Einri wandering around alone.

“No need.” The King chuckled, though his green eyes looked a bit worried. “I’m sure he’s fine. I’ll see you at dinner.”

I opened my mouth to respond but he was already down the hallway heading for the stairs. I watched him walk away then shrugged and shut the door.

The dress was still lying on the bed, its color reminding me of the King’s eyes. Was it intentional? I couldn’t see why it would be, so I shrugged then began undressing using a clean cloth and water to wash the travel off my skin.

I lifted the dress off the bed surprised and grateful to find clean underclothes and no corset.

Thank the Moon Maiden above!

I hated the tight garment and was glad I didn’t have to wear one. Dresses were uncomfortable enough without a corset and the torture it inflicts.

The dress was a little snug in my waist but for the most part it fit. I did what I could with my hair, but Brex was the best at making my red hair into something presentable.

Another soft knock on the door revealed a uniformed servant who was sent to collect me for dinner. I nodded, smoothing the green skirts before following, closing the door behind me.

I was led back to the staircase, but instead of going down them like I expected, the servant opened a small door to the right. Inside was another staircase that was noticeably smaller than the one beside it.

The servant began to climb the stairs, and I hurried after him, wondering where we were going. I’d assumed that the King’s study was on the first floor.

The stairs seemed to get steeper the higher we climbed. I was out of breath by the time we reached the landing, and my palms were slick with sweat.

“This way, Miss.” The servant said, indicating a short hallway with a door at the end.

Strange place for a study.