Page 40 of Rogue Hunter

“That’s the idea.” He said, looking unsure about my reaction so maybe I’d imagined the feeling.

“Has anyone ever ridden you before?” I wondered, then slapped my mouth as I realized how the question could be taken.

“No.” Einri chuckled, removing my hand with his and stroking my knuckles. “We could try it.”

“Yes, I think that would be a good idea.” I agreed, swallowing and demanding my cheeks not to heat.

“Alright, let's go.”

“What? Now?” I sat up looking down at the shift I was wearing since it was nighttime and I expected to sleep.

“No time like the present.” He said, then rose up onto his hands and knees to begin the change.

I kept my fur around me until he had fully shifted, our small tent feeling even smaller now with him shifted. Black fur covered his body, and he stood a good foot above the other wolves.

Maybe this could work.

I stood, making my wolves stand up too, they watched me with intense concentration as I attempted to climb onto Einri’s back. I swung my legs over, my shift rising up to show a dangerous amount of leg. I made a mental note to wear breeches while we traveled. It would make climbing on and off more manageable.

Once on, Einri straightened and I realized he’d been crouching to make it easier for me to climb on. He was now another four inches taller. I wiggled, adjusting my position on his back trying to figure out the best way to ride so that I was comfortable and so was he.

Ruby woofed to get my attention then crouched down, with his front paws out front and his legs tucked under him.

“Right.” I muttered, leaning down until I was basically lying on Einri’s back. I wrapped my arms around his neck loosely then attempted to tuck my feet up over his back. It took some adjusting but I managed to make it work. My front half felt secure while my back half didn’t but maybe it would be different when fully dressed with shoes on.

Einri’s wolf remained completely still while I adjusted then readjusted on his back. Finally, I patted his shoulder letting him know that I was ready.

The wolf sprang forward out of the tent, I tightened my grip around his neck then loosened my hold so I wouldn’t choke the poor thing. His gait was strange, and it took me a bit to get situated but once I did it was actually quite pleasant to ride like this.

Einri’s fur was long and thick, helping to shield me from the cold. It was comfortable and rather fun once my other wolves joined us.

“Okay, I’ve got walking and jogging down, let’s try running.” I suggested to them all while the young white and tan wolf bounded around us excitedly.

Einri huffed then sped up to a trot and I dug my fingers into his fur to help steady my body and it swayed back and forth. After several yards, I was doing well so Einri broke into a run.

It was actually a much smoother ride than the walk or trot. Einri’s body stretched forward,and his back half followed. I tucked my chin against his back as he ran leaping over logs, boulders, and divots with ease and grace that surprised me. Maybe we could travel the span of two kingdoms like this.

Einri ran for what felt like hours and I was enjoying the warmth of his fur and the steady rhythm of his gait. The air was cold but didn’t have the icy bite to it that it normally did. I felt my body relaxing further as Einri circled back toward camp. When we reached it, I was boneless and ready to fall asleep, but I didn’t want to leave Einri hanging.

When we reached our tent, I slid off his back onto the floor then collapsed into the furs both exhilarated and exhausted.

“I think it’ll work.” I told him sleepily after he shifted and crawled into bed beside me.

“I think so too.” He agreed, his arms wrapping around me while his lips brushed my cheek as my eyes closed.

* * *

“Are you sure just the two of you should go?” Tuck asked for what seemed like the hundredth time.

I rolled my eyes at Einri who looked just as exasperated by the question as I did. Having both leaders leave wasn’t a good strategy, but this was unavoidable since I refused to be left behind and so did Einri. We understood Tuck’s reservations since we put him in charge, but he’d just have to deal. He had so many people to help him including the whole Eylendian nation. They were safe and taken care of which made leaving easier.

“You’ll be fine, Tuck.” Einri reassured him again, clapping him on the back.

“We won’t be gone long.” I repeated what I’d told him already a thousand times, but I understood the burden of leadership was hard to take on.

“Have a safe trip.” Brex said, giving me a hug and tucking something into the pocket of my cloak.

“We will.” I assured her then turned to Will who was looking especially grumpy.