Page 39 of Rogue Hunter

“Heavy thoughts before dinner.” He mused, but his face was serious as he looked down at my face.

“I know.” I smiled, but it quickly fell from my face as reality pressed into this moment. “I don’t think our people trust me.”

“Why do you think that?” He asked, making a physical effort to not get angry. It was cute.

“My pack of rogues has grown, and I fear they view me as another Asena.” I said, voicing my concern from earlier.

“I don’t think they do. I think they are frightened of the rogues and possibly unsure.”

“Unsure about me or them?” I gestured to my wolves that were sitting at attention, human eyes observing us.

“You saved us back at Castle Hill while betraying your kingdom. You did what you felt was right. They saw that and appreciated the difficult choice you had to make.” His hand swept my braid over my shoulder then lingered on my throat. “They respect you.”

“But respect and trust are two different things.”

“True, but they trust me, and I trust you so by extension so do they.”

I chuckled knowing that it didn’t work that way, but he was trying to make me feel better which was thoughtful.

“You’ve changed since we’ve been here.” I noted, watching as the silver in his eyes returned.

“We both have.” He replied huskily, his eyes wandering down to my lips then back up to my eyes.

“Yes, we have.”

“How will we get to Brural?” I wondered later that night watching Einri try to get into bed with four wolves who also wanted to lay in bed.

“The easiest way is to head for the coast and barter a ship.” Einri grunted, pulling his fur out from underneath Ruby who grunted then got up and laid down by the she-wolf I still hadn’t named yet.

“I’ve never been on a ship.” I admitted, grinning as the young white and tan wolf growled playfully at Einri as he shooed him to the foot of the sleeping pallet.

“I’m not a fan but I’ll do it if it means getting there quickly then coming back just as fast.” He sighed, scooting over so that he could share my pillow as his had already been taken.

“How do you think they’ll handle it?” I wondered, scratching Ruby behind the ears.

“Not good, which is why going by land would be more comfortable for all of us.” I nodded my agreement. I’d never been on a ship but feeling the ground move underneath me made my stomach queasy.

“So, we’ll go by land but it’ll take us longer on foot.” Going on foot would be tiresome but ideal in the long run since everyone would be more comfortable.

“I’ve been thinking about that.” Einri rolled onto his side and propped his head up with his arm. “Going on foot would slow us down a great deal but not on wolf feet.”

“Are you suggesting building a carriage of some sort to be pulled by my wolves?” I asked, the idea wasn’t a bad one I’d just want to be sure my wolves were alright acting as horses.

“That thought did cross my mind but I feel even that would slow us down when we don’t have much time, so the only solution is for you to ride.”

“Riding a horse would still be slow since horses can’t run forever.” I frowned, wondering where we’d even get a horse since the Eylendian’s didn’t own any instead using oxen or mules.

“No, Arrow. I mean you ride me.” He said, and I searched his face to see if there was any sign of humor but there wasn’t.

“Me? Ride you?” I took a second to think about it and realized that it just might work.

Einri’s wolf was big, much bigger than any wolf I’d ever seen. Wolves were closer to the ground and could cover terrain quickly in any type of weather. It was actually quite genius. My wolves could run with us, freeing them from confinement and uncomfortable labor like pulling a carriage.

“I think that’s a good idea but how will your wolf react to being ridden?”

“He’s actually the one who came up with the idea.” Einri shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal but for some reason it felt like one.

“So, it would just be us and the wolves?” I asked, trying to get my thoughts back on track instead of thinking too hard about Einri’s wolf.