Page 28 of Rogue Hunter

I nodded and offered him a small smile to let him know I understood, slightly amused at his abrupt change in tune.

Brex and I watched him get up and disappear into the forest. I was jealous of how soundlessly he could move through the trees. True, I was no slouch, but I still wasn’t to his level.

With a sigh I turned to Brex. “Want to play rock, paper, scissors?” I joked, needing some levity.

“He’s right, you know.” She ignored my joke.

My sigh ended in a groan, “Not you, too.”

With a smirk, she continued. “Plus, you have the rare opportunity to have two teachers of two different magics. Why would you focus on anything else but that?”

My heart jumped. “I’ll only have two teachers if we’re able to find Epione.”

I wanted to kick myself as I watched Brex’s face fall. “If I had only gone with her…” She whispered.

I reached out and hugged my friend. “And if only I had been faster with my Da. Or Will. Or not been distracted in the fighting ring. ‘If only’s’ aren’t any good to us. We can’t change the past, only the future. And Brex,” I lifted her face to meet mine, “Epione was stolen by Rekker, not you. Don’t take on his faults.”

She nodded and sucked in a shuddering breath. We leaned towards each other until our foreheads met, both gathering strength from the other.

Our sweet moment was interrupted by a muffledyip!and we turned to see Ruby walking out of the tree line.

“You made it out!” I exclaimed at the same time Brex asked, “What’s in his mouth?”

I reached out to grab the red garment from his mouth, and my stomach hollowed out. “It’s the red cloak I lent Epione the other night…” My horrified whisper petered out as implications began flashing through my head. I shook my head, refusing to give the fog a handhold right now.

Ruby let out a soft whine, and I rubbed his head absent mindedly as I contemplated how best to rescue Epione. Obviously, we couldn’t wait any longer. Epione needed menow. I could feel the urgency to get to her deep in my gut.

“Arrow, Little John will be back soon, and then we can grab Einri and a few others, and with a solid plan- “

“We don’t have time for all that!” I interrupted with a slash of my hand through the air for emphasis. The prospect of leaving Epione in Rekker’s hands any longer than absolutely necessary filled me with dread. “You know what they are capable of, Brex. Do you really want to risk her life by waiting?”

“Do you really want to risk failure by going without proper preparation?” Brex fired back, and I rocked back on my heels.

“I’d rather give Epione the best chance at rescue possible.” I responded after a moment’s reflection.

Brex sighed. “Okay. I don’t agree, but okay. I’ve got your back.”

Warmth exploded in my chest, chasing the last vestiges of fog away, and I gave Brexley a brief, but heartfelt, hug. She truly was the sister of my heart. “Thank you.” I breathed.

Giving me a small smile, Brex simply motioned that she would follow me. I tucked the cloak under my arm and turned around to Ruby. “Okay, boy, show us how to sneak into the camp unnoticed. Take us to Epione, please.”

With another soft whine and a half tail wag, Ruby turned around and began walking toward the enemy camp.

We snuck behind him, following closely in his footprints until we came to the edge of the camp. We paused there as Ruby took stock of the comings and goings of the camp, and Brex and I gathered our courage. The camp looked more permanent than most, as if they had been here a while and intended to stay. My eyes tracked a wolf across the way as he exited a wood lean-to until he turned a corner, and I could no longer see him. We would have to be careful not to cross paths with any other wolves. They’d be able to smell us for sure.

I turned my attention to the men, swarthy and belligerent, as they went about their normal routines. I glanced at the sun, but it wasn’t yet time for supper, which would make this more difficult. A sliver of fear began to take root in my belly, and I worried we might not be able to rescue Epione just yet.

“This isn’t going to work, ‘Row. Are you sure you want to do this now?” She gave me a hard look, as if searching for an answer to something in my face.

Brex’s words echoed my thoughts, but I wasn’t ready to give up yet, and I told her so.

She nodded, then backed away from our vantage point. I turned to her, about to rip her face off or convince her to stay, I’m not quite sure which, but she held up her hand, stalling me.

“For this to succeed, you need a distraction, or else you won’t be able to get in. I’m going to provide a distraction, when the coast is clear, you and Ruby make a run for it. We can meet back together with Little John and leave. He should be getting back anytime now.” She added, then ducked out of sight.

“Brex!” I whisper shouted. “Brexley!”

Silence greeted me in return.