Page 18 of Rogue Hunter

I cursed, punching my fist into my thigh, berating myself for giving commands. That wasn’t my place or what I wanted.

“Hey, it’s alright.” Einri drew me into his arms, and I marveled at how warm he was.

“I’m terrible at this.” I groaned into his chest.

“Being a leader isn’t easy, Arrow. I make mistakes still but the fact that you can recognize them makes you a great leader.” He said, rubbing my back soothingly. “Come on. Let’s get everyone settled and out of the cold.”

I nodded, letting Einri take my hand leading me toward the Eylendian camp, silently hoping that we weren’t putting our new allies at risk.

Mavka stood at the entrance to the camp. Her smile was warm and kind as she welcomed us.

“I have men setting up tents for the night. We can figure out something more suitable in the morning.” She said, accepting the kiss that Stakar planted on her cheek with a smile. “We have fires burning, warm tea to drink, and furs to sleep under.”

“That is most welcome, wife.” Stakar smiled adoringly at her, slipping his arm around her waist.

“Thank you.” I said to both of them as Eylendian’s came forward to show our people to their tents.

“You’re welcome, dear.” Mavka said, her eyes matching the smile on her face.

“Arrow said you’ve got a workroom for my supplies?” Epione asked, stopping at my side.

“Mavka, this is Epione, our healer.” Einri jumped in quickly introducing them.

“A pleasure.” Mavka said, nodding her head at the elderly woman. “Follow me. We’ll get your supplies stored then get you resting in a warm bed.”

“Thank you. These old bones of mine can’t handle the cold.” Epione groaned, handing her bags to a guard then hobbled after them.

“Rest well.” Mavka said before she turned to catch up with Epione.

“I’ll show you to your tent.” A young woman said,her head bowed.

“Thank you.” Einri replied, pulling me along with him. “They’ll be back soon.”

“I hope so.” I shivered, the night growing chillier every passing minute.

“Here’s your tent. I’ll be by in the morning to escort you to breakfast with the King and Queen.”

“Wait, where’s my tent?” I asked her hastily.

“You’ll have to share tents for body heat and because there aren't enough tents for everyone.” She looked sheepish and I opened my mouth to explain that I didn’t mind sharing but Einri cut in before I could.

“This will do nicely. Thank you.” He bowed slightly and tugged me into the tent after him.

“Einri.” I hissed once we were inside. “This is highly inappropriate.”

“You heard the lady. We need to share a tent and body heat.” He retorted but I couldn’t trust the heat in his eyes.

“You don’t need my body heat.” I crossed my arms over my chest as I looked up into his light green eyes. “What will people think?”

“I don’t give a damn what they think.” He said, looking around at the cramped space. “All I know is I need you close.”

“Why?” The question sounded suspicious, and I couldn’t put my finger on why.

“In case Will and Tuck come back.” He sounded so sure, but I snorted, calling his bluff.

“You can find me easily. What’s this really about?”

He stepped closer, filling the space and towering over me. I swallowed as his eyes changed from lighthearted to cold determination. His hands grabbed my shoulders pulling me into him. I gasped at the sudden movement, then his lips crashed down on mine.