Page 17 of Rogue Hunter

It took several hours of hard work to gather all our supplies for the Greenwood, and I was relieved to discover we hadn't lost anyone in the rogue attack. Though there were several wounds that had Epione worried. We fastened travois for those who needed them.

That evening I found the Greenwood retracing Einri’s and my steps back to Eylend. I began noticing Ruby acting strange as we walked, her ears perked and watching the forest around us closely, occasionally whining. I couldn’t see anyone or anything in the trees, but I trusted Ruby’s senses better than my own. I could also swear she was trying to tell me something, but what, I couldn’t tell.

“That’s a beautiful wolf, Lady Arrow.” King Stakar said softly, coming alongside me. “How long have you had him?”

“Her name is Ruby, and she has been with me only a few days.” I answered, stressing the ‘she.’

Stakar chortled. “I’m afraid I must disagree, little lady. That wolf is most definitely a male.” He motioned to where Ruby was … was in fact lifting her leg to a tree.

“What?” I gasped. “But how…? It’s Ruby!” I felt oddly betrayed.

The king just laughed at my expression, then sobered. “He does seem protective of you, but I would still caution you to remain alert in his presence. Wolves are often wild and unpredictable, and lately the wolves in this forest have been more so.”

I was still grappling with the gender revelation but managed to give a noncommittal nod before he moved from my side. I looked over to Ruby as he trotted back to my side. This was going to take some getting used to. I squinted.

“Is that what you’ve been trying to tell me?” I squinted at him. I could almost swear he laughed at me as he rolled out his tongue and seemed to grin.

I groaned when I realized that Einri had, in fact, been right all along. And just went with my idiocy so as to not hurt my feelings.

Raros take him!

The trek through the forest back to the Eylendian camp was different from the one previously made with Einri. The howls and snarls from the rogues trailing us meant that the alpha power Einri had used had a distance limit.

Ruby remained close at my side, leaning into me at times when I deviated from the path he wanted me to walk. The excitement from earlier had faded and I was exhausted, barely able to keep my feet moving forward.

Einri had gone to check on the back of the procession to help keep the rogues at bay while Will and Brex were off doing something. It was just Ruby and me.

Ruby stopped and I walked forward a couple steps not realizing that he’d stopped, until he growled.

I froze, knowing his warning growl when I heard it. I was out of weapons except for my hands which were currently freezing. I was tired which would make my movements slow. I hoped that it was something minor like a lone rogue.

I turned my head and through the trees I could see a man standing in the shadows. I fought a shiver when he shifted, revealing eyes that seemed to glow in the deep darkness. Moonlight moved over the figure revealing a wolf-head cloak.

He’s one of Rekker’s men.

“Einri.” I spoke quietly, unsure what range Einri’s hearing had but taking a chance. “One of Rekker’s men is here.”

I took a step forward towards the man in the shadows, Ruby by my side, his chest rumbling with growls. My palm itched for my bow but without arrows I couldn’t fire at him. I vowed to make more arrows the first chance I got.

“Arrow?” A voice asked from behind me, and I recognized it as Will.

I sliced my hand through the air, silencing him as I continued to stare intently at the man who hadn’t moved again.

Ruby suddenly let out a snarl and lunged into the woods.

“Will, follow him! That’s one of Rekker’s men.” I ordered, frantic that Ruby had run off.

A snarl sounded from behind me along with the sound of bones snapping. I flinched at Will’s painful moan as his body rearranged. I turned around to offer comfort or to tell him to stop but the change was done. My cousin tore after Ruby, disappearing into the darkness.

I looked through the trees, but the man had disappeared, a massive wolf standing where he had been. He threw his head back and howled into the night, the call raising goosebumps over my whole body.

“Arrow!” Einri called, sprinting up behind me.

“Ruby went after him, and I told Will to follow but I realize now that was a bad idea.” I knew my cousin wouldn’t stop until he’d fulfilled the orders, I gave him. He could be reckless, but he was loyal. I kicked myself for telling him to go after them.

“I’ll go after him.” Einri said, trying to reassurance when Tuck interrupted.

“I’ll go. You take care of our people. I’ll bring Will back.” He promised then faster than a blink shifted into his wolf form, then ran into the woods.