Page 16 of Rogue Hunter

“And you told them to stop fighting, and they did.” I reiterated once more.

“Are you okay?” Will asked me as he looked me over. I ignored him.

“Can you allow Ruby her autonomy again?”

He nodded and acquiesced, then sent the other wolves running away. As soon as she was able, Ruby got up and shook out her coat, coming over to sniff and make sure I was okay too. I pushed her away once she started licking my face.

“We need to decide how to proceed from here.” Tuck commented as he walked up and gestured behind him to the burnt camp. “The smoke would have alerted anyone nearby to our presence.”

We all looked at the destruction around us. There was not a single unmarked tent, and even from here the smell of smoke was overpowering. Even if it was safe to sleep here, the smell would be too strong. I felt the loss deep in my soul. Not for any items that were lost, but for the sense of safety that was stolen from us.

Einri took a deep breath and held it a moment. He glanced at me, and I nodded. “Agreed. Everyone, search the camp for any wounded and gather anything that is still usable. We’ll find another place to camp tonight.”

Brex squeezed my hand before she went scrounging through the ash. I stayed behind to talk to Einri a moment before joining her.

“I just wanted to be clear, I wasn’t judging you earlier.” I commented awkwardly as he stared at me, curious. I didn’t want to be the reason our truce from earlier evaporated.

He cocked his head. “You mean when you had trouble believing anything I said?”

It took me a second to realize he was teasing me, and I snorted, trying to ignore the flush I felt crawling up my cheeks. “It’s been a long day, okay?” I absolutely loved the little smirk playing around his mouth.

He sobered. “It has. I actually wanted to - “

“M’lord.” One of the men ran up to Einri, panting. “Xavarians are just a few minutes out.”

Einri shot me an indecipherable look. “Did you see them yourself?”

“Yes, m’lord. They seemed to be carrying some light provisions and weaponry.”

“Thank you, Simon.” Einri clapped him on the shoulder before dismissing him.

“Should we go and meet them?” I asked, having a sneaking suspicion I knew why they were coming here, but wanted to find out for sure.

“Yes, I think that would be best.” Einri replied absently as he began walking in the direction of Eylend. I stared at the back of his head a moment before falling beside him.

The vast destruction of the fire caught my attention as we walked past ruin after ruin. It was already creeping into the afternoon, and there was several hours’ worth of work to be done before we could leave. That didn’t give enough time to find a safe place to sleep tonight. I hoped my suspicion proved true. I hurried my steps.

“King Stakar, we didn’t expect to see you so soon. I wish we could extend you the same hospitality you gave to us, but alas.” Einri greeted the king, motioning to the smoldering chaos.

“Lord Einri, it has been too long.” The king returned his greeting with a hearty hug, and his twinkling eyes met mine over Einri’s back. I grinned in response, amused at the stiff lines of Einri’s back as he awkwardly returned the hug. “My men and I have come to lend you aid. We saw the smoke and thought you might need a helping hand.”

“That’s… most unexpected, King Stakar.” I murmured, truly surprised at his generosity.

“Nonsense. We are neighbors, and we are on the same side. It’s the least I could do. Besides, Queen Mavka insisted.”

Einri nodded his head in thanks. “Assistance would not be amiss; we are gathering what we can and tending to the wounded now.”

“Good, good, good. And then your people can join us in Eylend. Now, I know we don’t have much,” he added quickly, hands outstretched with palms down, in a calming gesture, “but what we have we are more than willing to share. We can, at the very least, provide temporary warm dwellings for those who have lost theirs today.”

“My lord, I don’t know how to repay you,” Einri began, but Stakar interrupted.

“We are on the same side, what is a bit of hospitality between allies?”

Einri’s gaze became shrewd, and I jumped into the conversation.

“I think we could become great allies, King Stakar. Maybe we could open up a deeper conversation about that soon?”

“Yes, of course. I look forward to it. Until then, let’s take care of your people, shall we?”