Page 10 of Rogue Hunter

We walked back towards the tents in good spirits, but I couldn’t shake the sense of worry that seemed to settle in my gut. I knew my cousin needed me, but would I be able to help him?

The next morning, with my trusty bow slung over my back, I walked over to Einri’s tent. I tried to tame the butterflies bashing around my ribcage, but they were relentless and chaotic as I peeled back the front tent flap. “Einri?”

The sight that greeted me was not exactly what I expected.

“Oh good, you’re here. I was just about to get you.” Tuck responded as he grabbed my arm and gently pulled me towards the middle of the tent. I ended up standing beside Einri and Little John as they both stared at each other, glaring. The sheer amount of testosterone billowing in this smallish tent almost strangled my butterflies.

“What’s going on?” My eyes bounced between the two men, trying to figure out what I just, literally, pulled into.

“You seriously believe it’s not a trap? How can you be so blind?” Little John burst out, and I was startled by a small bit of spittle that landed on my cheek. I quickly wiped it off with a shudder and physically pushed the two men apart as they drew closer to argue more.

“Stop it! You’re being ridiculous, and you just spit on me.” I complained. My butterflies from a moment ago seemed to have morphed into hornets.

“I’m not the one being ridiculous.” Einri retorted, making me roll my eyes.

“We recently got an invitation from King Stakar, asking us to come visit him in his city,” Tuck interjected. “And we’ve been… debating… whether or not to go.”

“Because it could be a trap!” Little John insisted petulantly.

“Do you think I cannot judge character?” Einri’s voice went deeper than normal, and the dangerous edge to it made me shiver.

I jumped in before Little John could answer the clear challenge. “Little John, what about the invitation makes you suspect a trap?”

He turned his gaze to me. “Oi, really? You too? We have not one but two kings on our tail, and you want to try a third one on for size? I think we should just stay clear of any and all kings, at least until we have the Greenwood in a safe place.”

I could see Einri about to say something, but I cut him off before he could. “I understand where you're coming from, but I saw this king face to face and talked to him. I don’t believe he means any harm. What’s the harm in finding out what he wants?”

“Would you put the lives of the Greenwood into his hands after one brief meeting? Because that is essentially what you would be doing if you answered his invitation.” Little John countered, using air quotes around ‘invitation.’

I nodded, “I see your point. Do you have a better idea?”

He sighed. “I just don’t think we should put all our eggs into one basket. It’s not that I don’t think it’s a good idea, but maybe just send one or two people, instead of the whole group.”

“If you would let me speak a moment before jumping to conclusions, you would know that I had planned on going alone.” Einri growled, clearly at the end of his patience.

“I think Arrow should go with you.” Tuck added, and I shot him a grateful look. “Little John and I could continue on and see if there’s a good place for the Greenwood to settle for a few days, a bit away from Eylend. What do you say, Little John?” Tuck clapped him on the shoulder and gave Einri a pointed look that I tried to decipher.

“That would make me feel better.” Little John mumbled as he tried to surreptitiously get out from under Tuck’s arm.

I glanced at Einri. “I would love to visit King Stakar with you, if you don’t mind?” I asked. I especially had some questions about how King Stakar knew Asena.

His eyes flashed silver, and my butterflies were back in full chaotic force. He nodded, before adding, “The messenger said he would meet us just outside the camp in thirty minutes. Is there anything you need to grab before we leave?”

I shook my head a moment before a thought struck me. “Actually, yes. Let me go grab it, and I’ll meet you there!” I barely registered his nod before rushing out his tent again. I needed to talk to Brex before I left.

The walk to Eylend was mostly uneventful, with just a few glimpses of Ruby still following us. I could feel my fog teasing me in my peripherals, but I kept pushing it away. I discovered that holding Einri’s hand also helped at keeping the fog at bay, and bonus, his hand was toasty warm. Of course, with my wolfskin cloak on, I didn’t feel much of the cold, but it was still comforting, just the same.

As the trees began to thin, along with the air, I realized we had arrived. I marveled at the ingenuity of the Eylendians as they made their houses with hides and sticks to ward off the bitter cold, and still managed to make their houses look so sturdy.

The guide led us to a house tent that didn’t look much different from the others, save it was a bit larger. I assumed this was King Stakar’s and wondered if maybe this was just a temporary lodging. Where was the gaudiness? The gold and the opulence to signify that he was the king.

“Ah! Leaders of the Greenwood, thank you for coming! Truth be told, I wasn’t sure that you would.” His blue eyes danced as he spoke, and against my better judgment I felt myself softening to him.

“What would you have done if we didn’t take you up on your offer to visit?” I asked, genuinely curious.

“I would be disappointed but would not have pursued further.” He said quickly.

Einri and I shared a glance, wondering if his answer was to be believed. Before we could say anything else, he continued. “Come! I have many questions, and I am sure you do as well. Let us eat and get our questions answered.” He ushered us gently into another room filled with yummy smells that tickled my nose.