Judging by the expression on Cooper's face, he'd thought we'd gone next door for a quickie. When he saw us back so soon and both with similar expressions, he looked worried.
"Are you guys okay?" he asked. "Did you have a fight?"
"We're fine," I said, my voice tight.
"Nothing to worry about," Ben agreed. To our guests he said, "If you don't mind, my boss would like to get this bond broken." He looked like he wanted to elaborate, but he didn't. Any of the other guys probably would have added something sarcastic, but that wasn't how he rolled.
Harmony rose from her chair and moved to put a hand on my arm. "Are you sure about this?" she asked softly.
"Yes," Paxton agreed. "Be certain, because once this is broken it can only be restored the way it was made in the first place. Bonding stones are hard to find and cost— You could afford it. But they’re still hard to find."
"We're sure." I forced myself to look at Ben.
His jaw was set firmly. He could have been the male version of me right now. Maybe stone instead of ice.
"It's been decided," he said.
I felt a flutter of nerves through the bond. For him, it wasn't just about breaking it, it was the proximity to the three witches. He wanted to be anywhere right now but here.
"This shouldn't take long." Paxton took Harmony’s hand, and she reached for Jordan's. The air tingled even before Paxton put a hand on my arm. "Take Ben's hand."
I did as he said and noted the look of relief in Ben's eyes that he wouldn't have to touch any of the witches directly. I felt like on some level, I should try to help him get over his prejudice. On the other hand, I didn’t trust any black wolf as far as I could spit them. I had no desire or need to get past that prejudice.
I squeezed Ben's hand to reassure him. He squeezed mine back. I knew he would have preferred to snatch his hand back and leave the bond in place. He didn't. He stood perfectly still while Paxton frowned and muttered to himself.
"This is a kind of reverse healing," Paxton said. "Instead of putting things back where they go, I'm taking something away that shouldn't be there. Or at least, something that was added to both of you."
"Is this going to cause any damage?" Ben asked.
That was a good question. One I should have asked before now. Just because Paxton was a doctor didn't mean I could trust him.
"It shouldn't," Paxton said. "If I think it will, I'll stop and you'll be stuck with the bond forever. You'll have to deal with it."
For a doctor, his bedside manner was shit. On the other hand, it was better than sugar coating things, or flat out lying.
I glanced sideways at Ben. It didn't take a genius, or a bond, to know he would be okay with Paxton failing. Honestly, it wouldn't be the end of the world if we were stuck with it. I mean, they were worse things than a bodyguard who knew exactly where you were at all times.
Now I thought about it—
The bond evaporated and I could no longer feel Ben's emotions. For some reason, I expected it to be a gradual reduction, not the hard slice it was. He was there in one heartbeat and not in the next.
It left me feeling strangely empty.
You know what they say. Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.
Ben sharply sucked in a breath. Obviously he felt the same immediate response I did.
Paxton lowered his hand and moved away. "There. Done. No damage. You're free to get on with your lives."
Right. No damage. Then why did I feel so empty inside? I couldn't bring myself to entertain the idea that breaking the bond was a mistake. Firstly because I didn't like to second-guess myself, but mostly because it was the right thing for Ben, as far as I was concerned. He might not believe me, or agree, but I did this for him. Because he deserved better than to be stuck with me and my moods.
"Thank you." I let Ben's hand slip out of mine. Something about it felt horribly final.
That was fucking stupid, I told myself. No one should have an empathic link to their employee. Nothing good could ever come of it.
"Ivory," Harmony said tentatively. "Can I have a word with you please? Alone." She gestured towards the other side of the room, which was about as alone as I was prepared to do.
I thought about saying no, but I nodded and stepped over away from all the guys. "What did you need to talk about?"