Page 58 of Crimson

"You might diebecauseyou didn't give up on me," I told him.

He shrugged. "Then I die. But I would rather die by your side, fighting Dagen, or some other monster, than live without you."

He was nothing if not romantic.

I had no answer for him.

I crouched down to scoop up my dress off the floor. That was something I had always done. I hated to bend over, especially in front of other people. For some reason, it made me feel unbearably vulnerable. I frowned at the remains of my ruined panties. I held them up between my thumb and forefinger.

"Was that necessary?"

He grinned. "Absolutely. Yes. I'll buy you some new ones." Without missing a beat, he added, "I will tear those off as well."

He really wasn't going to give up, was he?

"At least I'm not covered in blood, juice or mud," I said. "For once." There might be a blade or two of grass on the back of my dress, but I decided not to look.

"I knew I should have come on your stomach," he said. "Next time."

It was just as well he hadn't. The idea of his cock even that close to my face made me want to shudder. I probably would have run away screaming. I had a panic attack…

Like I was starting to have right now…

His phone rang. I thought he was going to ignore it, but he glanced at the screen. "I should get that."

"Saved by the bell," I muttered.

I picked up my own phone and headed towards the apartment for a change of clothes. If either of the bodyguards standing outside the door were surprised to see me walk past naked, they gave no sign. Internally, I was a trembling mess, but this was another thing I refused to change just because I felt threatened by Dagen. What kind of shifter was modest anyway?

I padded silently past Ben, who was asleep on the couch. He stirred when I got close, which didn't surprise me. Between the bond and his vigilance, he probably knew I was there. Even in his sleep.

I threw on an old T-shirt and a pair of track pants. The kind of clothes I wore to work out in. I should go down to the gym and do that after I made this call.

I opened contacts and pressed on one of the names. It rang a couple of times before a male voice came on the line.

"Yes?" Paxton said. He must have recognised my number, because he asked, "Do you want to talk to Harmony?"

"No," I replied. "It's you I need to talk to." As briefly as I could, I explained the reason for my call.

"Yeah, that's something I can do. If you're sure."

"I'm very sure," I said. "It's the right thing to do. For everyone." I expected him to say something about not making decisions on behalf of other people, but he didn't.

Instead he said, "Is tomorrow okay?"

"It can wait until then," I said. I ended the call with all the usual niceties that neither of us were comfortable with.

"Anything wrong?" Jake asked.

I hadn't heard him come in, and I almost jumped out of my skin as a result. I turned around and tried not to look guilty. "Everything's fine. You? That call seemed important."

"You suggested I contact the conclave. That was Kian Quinn. He and his brothers will be up next week. The Tasmanian alphas have confirmed they are also coming. The grey wolves from Queensland left us on read." He shrugged. "I was thinking I should organise some extra 'entertainment' for Tyler and Reed Quinn, so they can let off steam when they get here." He rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. As if he wouldn't fuck me every chance he got.

Still, he had a point. The brothers did seem to be insatiable. Jake's attempt to keep them away from me was about as transparent as a brick wall.

"Do you think I can't handle them?" I asked.

"I know you can handle them," he said. "But didn't you just say you didn't want any distractions?"