"You're right," he admitted. "This is still bullshit."
"Yeah." I leaned my head against the back of the seat behind me, but kept my eyes open. Every time I saw a black SUV, my heart raced. If I saw two of them within a kilometre or so of each other, my palms broke out in a sweat.
Every time, they turned off into sidestreets, or driveways, but I watched closely until they were out of sight.
"Are you…" He cleared his throat. "Sorry."
"If the next words out of your mouth was going to be 'in the mood for vanilla ice cream,' then yes," I replied. "I'll settle for banana ice cream too. A big bowl of it."
"Yes, that's totally what I was going to say," he lied. "How did you guess?"
"If you know me as well as you say you do, then you know when I need ice cream," I said.
"I do know," he said. "That's why I keep those apples around. They should satisfy sugar cravings."
I shook my head and didn't deign to answer. We were almost at my street anyway.
We went through another light and around a corner. There we were confronted with a couple of firetrucks, a few police cars and an ambulance.
"Looks like a murder scene," Jake muttered.
I sighed. "I wish it was a murder scene." I undid my seatbelt and was out of the car half a second after it stopped moving. I waited for Jake to catch up before I slipped between the emergency vehicles and stood gaping at my house.
It was still there, small mercies for that. Unfortunately it was also leaning right over a massive sinkhole which had opened between the foundation and the boundary fence. How lucky my neighbours were that it justhappenedto stop on my property.
"Fuck," I said breathlessly. "I give him points for being original, but bloody hells. The whole house might as well be gone."
"Is this your house, Miss?" A young police officer addressed me. Or to be more specific, my chest. She was pretty, with dark hair and blue eyes. It would be a shame if I had to kill her for annoying me right now.
"Not for much longer, by the looks of it," I said.
She looked up at my face and blushed. "The firies said they called an engineer. They might be able to shore it up. It's possible they could save it." She looked uncertain about that. "At least they might be able to make it safe so you could go in and get your valuables. Luckily, it doesn't seem to be a danger to the other houses in the area."
"Well, that's some consolation," I said dryly.
Her eyes widened and she looked like she was about to stammer out an apology.
"It is definitely a consolation for her neighbours," Jake said quickly. "I'm sure they'll appreciate it." Apparently he had worked off his aggression on the road, because he was congenial now.
"Of course it is," I said from behind gritted teeth.
She gave him a grateful look, which lingered longer than it should have, before she turned and walked away.
I shook my head at her back.
"She's just doing her job," Jake said.
"Like the gas company last night?" I asked sweetly. I knew I pressed just the right button when he scowled.
"Useless bloody…" He muttered something under his breath.
I wandered over to the curb on the other side of the street and sat down.
The sinkhole was obviously made by magic from Dagen's witch. I made yet another mental note. Get a siphon stone and have someone take her magic before I killed her slowly.
I drew in my legs because the whole street didn't need to see my ass in a g string. I looked over at my teetering house and sighed.
I remembered the day so long ago when I came home from school to find blood all over the house. Four men, all black wolves, stood in the kitchen. Damp hair suggested they had all recently had showers. Coffee and plates of sandwiches suggested they'd been there for a while.