Page 25 of Crimson

I wrinkled my nose. "Really? Beetroot?"

He shrugged one shoulder. "I like the way it stains my fingers. It looks like blood."

"Oh." I nodded. "That makes sense." I glanced towards the door. "How long do you think it will be this time? They might keep us waiting for another three days. Or four. Or a week."

"Hmmm. What could we do to pass the time for a week?" He wiggled his brows at me. Before I could say anything, he said, "Hear me out. I'll know exactly what you like, because I'll be able to feel it. What better way to see how this bond works?"


"Yes, I'm sure that's exactly why some witch invented bonding magic," I said sarcastically. "So they could fuck better."

"I know several witches who would have invented it for exactly that," Ben said. "They wouldn't have invented it for romantic reasons."

"I suppose it is a good way to use magic," I conceded. More than that, I wouldn't have to explain why he needed to keep his cock away from my mouth. That was something I wasnotready for.

Just the thought of it made me start to tremble again. In a matter of moments, I was back on the edge of panic.

"Oh gods," Ben said. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to—fuck." He ran a hand over his head. "I shouldn't have—"

I shook my head. "It's not your fault." I leaned forward over my knees and tried to catch a breath. I tried to think about anything else, but the memory of his cock in my mouth crashed over me. I gagged like it was happening all over again.

I tried to suck in a breath, but it got caught in my throat and I squeaked instead.

Ben put his hands on my shoulders. "Breathe. Come on, my beautiful she wolf. Breathe. He's not here. It's just you and me. If I could take away your pain, I would do it. I would take all of it. Every drop. But you know what? We will not let him win. I'll kill him with my bare hands if that's the last thing I do. It will be worth it."

I managed to regain enough of my composure to say, "He deserves to die painfully and slowly. I don't know how, but I'm going to make that happen." I was sure of that as I was sure I was still Ivory, the big bad she wolf. He would pay dearly for everything he did.


It was four days,in the end. After I got over my panic attack, and had a very ordinary cheese sandwich for lunch, I took Ben back to bed to test his theory. As it turns out, he was right. The moment he discovered how much I like having my nipples sucked, he spent a good hour or two doing just that. With no one to watch us, and really nothing else to do, we spent a lot of time exploring each other's bodies and getting closer.

The whole time, I couldn't help but think our time together was coming to an end. I didn't know how or why, but I savoured every moment as if it was the last.

We were sitting on the couch talking about nothing in particular when the door finally opened again.

"Let's play a game," Dagen said as he stepped into the room.

I cocked my head at him, then looked around him. "I don't see anyone with a Monopoly board." Thank the gods for that, I hated Monopoly. Still, there were worse games to play. I had a feeling we were about to find that out.

Dagen laughed. "I've already won the Monopoly. Or I will, very soon."

"Really? I would have thought you're the kind of man who would tip the board over when you’re losing." I rose to my feet.

"I might," he actually agreed. "But I'm winning. Take them downstairs to the lawn."

There was something about the words that sent a chill down my spine. I glanced over to Ben who sent thoughts of reassurance. At least one of us was confident.

We were taken back down to the grass near the shed.

Four more of his henchholes waited there for us.

And Hutton.

Judging by the bruises and blood on Hutton's sullen face, and the way two goons held his arms, Dagen decided he wasn't on his side. I guessed that meant he was on mine. The timing sucked, but the relief was real. In spite of Jake’s misgivings, I liked the guy.

Hutton glanced at me like he didn’t recognise me. His shoulder twitched like a tiny shrug. He must have been caught doing something he shouldn’t have. That was the only sign I got that he knew I existed.

I returned his glance with one of indifference.