Page 22 of Crimson

Ben and I took turns pacing across the room. Partly for exercise, and partly just to burn off our frustrations at being locked inside. I never thought I would wish for a treadmill, but after two days, I would have liked to run.

"I know this is all part of his plan, but it's pissing me off." I stomped across the room and back again. "I can be patient if I know what I'm waiting for. Although, whatever we're waiting for is bound to be shit."

"Probably," Ben agreed. He sat back on the couch, long legs crossed at the knees. Even when he was pacing, the man looked calm. Of course, it was his job to keep his cool at all times. Hells, it was my job too, but a thousand scenarios ran through my head while Dagen kept us waiting. Most of them involved my blood, his cock or both. Nothing I wanted to think about. So of course, it was all I could think about.

I focused on Jake and Cooper and what they were doing right now. I knew they were still alive, or Dagen would have come in here to brag. I also knew he hadn't found them, or he would have dragged Jake in front of me, or vice versa. While they were still out there, there was some hope. At least hope that my organisation would survive long after I did, out of the hands of Dagen and the Onyx Ridge pack.

I barely managed to contain a startle as the door swung open.

Dagen himself strode into the room, several of his asshole minions following on his tail.

"Are you enjoying the accommodation?" He gave me one of his best slimy-as-fuck smiles.

I responded with an eye roll and said, "Fuck off." Maybe I was poking the beehive again, but it was getting harder and harder to think what he might do that was worse than what he already did.

He raised one eyebrow at me. "That's why I'm here."

I forced myself to stand my ground, when I really wanted to take several steps back. Into last week. Maybe the week before. That would give me time to avoid this happening.

Ben rose and moved to stand behind me, his hands on my shoulders.

In some ways that made it easier, and in some it made it harder. His support meant the world to me, but he wasn't going to be able to stop Dagen from doing whatever he wanted.

Dagen put a hand in his pocket and pulled out a stone suspended on a leather cord.

My eyes widened involuntarily.


"I see you know what this is," Dagen said. "I have to admit, it wasn't easy to find a bonding stone with bonding magic in it. Even with money and resources, they are rare. But you know what it's like. If you want something badly enough, you can get it." He raised the stone up in front of his face and smiled at me past it.

"It's pretty, isn't it?"

I shrugged as if I didn't care. "It looks like a rock to me."

"Appearances can be deceiving." He stepped closer to me.

I swallowed and started to tremble. Ben's hands tightened on my shoulders.

"You have a choice to make," Dagen said slowly. "I'm going to put this around your neck. You know what that means." Before I could say anything," he added, "You'll form a bond with the next man who fucks you. Specifically, ejaculates into you."

I eyed the stone. "No shit. I choose tonothave that happen."

He chuckled. "That isn't your choice. You get to choose to fuck your bodyguard."

Ben twitched.

I looked at him over my shoulder. "So you can beat the shit out of him and I could feel everything he's going through?" What the hells kind of choice was that?

"I can take it," Ben said firmly.

I half turned to face him. "And you would feel everything he does to me." Asking anyone to share my fucked up mind and emotions was a lot. Too much.

I turned back to Dagen. "What's the other choice?"

The smile he gave me sent a shiver down my spine. "I fuck you. You'll have all the fun of seeing yourself through my eyes. And I'll have the fun of feeling you break."

"She chooses me," Ben said. "Whatever you do to me will be better than you touching her."