Page 67 of Crimson

At some point though, I was going to have to figure a few things out. A lot of things.

For one thing, Hutton was right about Dagen wanting me to push the guys away and isolate myself.

On the other hand, I made that choice for a reason. The fact I was lying here right now with Hutton strongly suggested I wasn’t very good at sticking to the choices I made. Or maybe subconsciously I knew they were shitty choices.

Yeah, I really had some thinking to do.


All five ofus were absolutely smoking hot that night. The guys wore dark suits and crisp white shirts. Cooper wore a brightly coloured tie, while the other three had more subdued colours. They even had shiny shoes on.

I wore a long, white gown that shimmered when I moved. It was higher in the front than what I usually wore, but dipped down low at the back. Of course, it had a long split down the side, and the fabric clung to my curves like an opaque condom. Without all the rubber and need for lube.

I straightened my hair and left it out to fall down my back. As always, a pair of designer heels finished the outfit.

"Stay close to Ivory," Jake said. "This might be a charity concert, but there will be a few dubious people here."

"Like us?" Hutton asked.

Jake gave him a dark look, but nodded. "Yes, like us. Just not as hot."

"We look pretty good, don't we?" Cooper grinned.

I glanced at Ben, who hadn't said a word all night. It was normal for him to stay quiet while he was on the job, unless he needed to say something, but I missed the sound of his deep voice.

He gave the slightest nod of agreement, then went back to watching the crowds.

It was warm out tonight. The Harbour looked beautiful. The Opera House, the location for the night's concert, was lit up and shining. A quartet on stage played something by Vivaldi. A shit load of rich people had turned up to raise money for orphaned children. It was a practically perfect evening.

For a while.

That was before I saw Alistair Dagen. He was surrounded, as usual, by a contingent of goons.

Not just any goons, I quickly realised. The three who held me down, and another two who held my arms while their companions chased Ben and Hutton. There was no chance their inclusion at this event this evening was coincidental. It was just another mind fuck.

"You look beautiful tonight, Elodie," Asshole said smoothly. "Although, I'm surprised you came. I thought you would have some rubble to sift through."

"Fuck off, Alistair," I replied. I wasn't even going to bother with niceties. If it wasn't for the fact we were surrounded by a few hundred people, I would shift and rip his head off. The five of us could take on the six of them.

He started to clap slowly. "Well done. Such an intelligent, eloquent response."

I rolled my eyes at him. "I can't be bothered wasting brain cells on a worthless slug like you."

"That's better." He nodded. "Although, your insults could use a bit of work. Maybe I could give you some pointers, bitch."

I bared my teeth at him.

Before I could even speak, he said, "I know, don't call you bitch. But it fits so perfectly. Especially if I add the words 'in heat,' to it. Still fucking your bodyguard? Or just your lapdog? Oh wait, then there's your little virgin boytoy. And Hutton, I'm so glad to see you still alive. That means I get the fun of killing you again."

"Fuck off, Dagen," Hutton said.

"Yeah, what he said." Cooper jerked a thumb toward Hutton. "If anyone is killing anyone else around here, it's me killing you."

Dagen chuckled. "Elodie, you should probably put a leash on that puppy. Or better yet, acollar."

Jake yawned loudly. "Are you done? None of us are impressed with your bullshit." To Cooper he said, "You'll have to get in line to kill this asshole. I'm at the front of it."

He turned back to Dagen. "Were you the bully at school too? What kind of man kidnaps women? Oh, right, the kind with a really, really,reallysmall cock."