There was that question again. I didn't mind it so much in this context. I was lying naked on a couch with a hot guy on top of me, his cock deep inside my body. I was more than okay.
"I'm wonderful," I said.
"Yes you are." He kissed my mouth, then slowly started to thrust, his eyes half closed in obvious appreciation. "Absolutely perfect." Gradually his strokes became faster, but never rushed. Either he was the kind of guy who likes to take his time, or he wanted to be sure not to hurt me.
Maybe both.
His piercings felt like ridges, which massaged my slick core with every movement. I never felt anything like it before. It was pretty fucking amazing.
I rocked my hips in time with his and clenched my muscles around him.
His breathing became ragged.
Careful not to dislodge him, I rolled us both over so I was straddling his hips.
He put his hands on my waist and didn't even break his rhythm.
I pressed my palms to his muscular chest, half closed my eyes and rode him with his cock so deep it almost hurt. His ladder rubbed my g spot inside, and at the same time, my clit rubbed against him on the outside. It was like the world evaporated, leaving behind one one sense; that of touch.
Heightened, intense, deep desire.
"Mmm, yeah." His breathing was deeper and faster. Every so often it would hitch. He was close to coming himself.
I watched his face. I wanted to see him and feel him come. I loved knowing I could do that to a guy.
Especially like this. I was in complete control. He surrendered everything willingly, with no reservation.
I slowed down a little to draw out his pleasure.
One of his eyebrows rose in response, but he didn't say anything. I wasn't sure he was capable of words right now. Neither was I.
I tried to stop myself, but I came again.
If the first three were fireworks, then the fourth was New Year's Eve, with a dose of Australia Day thrown in for good measure. I was absolutely lost in the rush of heat and blood and pleasure.
Through the pounding in my ears, I heard his groans and grunts and felt him grind up into me as he came.
When he managed a word, it was just a long, low, "Baaaaabe."
Maybe I didn't mind him calling me that after all.
Finally, I sagged down onto him, panting and sweaty.
"Wow," he said breathlessly. "You're even more amazing than I imagined. And what I imagined was pretty fucking incredible."
"Thank goodness for that," I said softly. "I would hate for you to hype me up to yourself only to find out I'm a bad fuck." Yeah, that would suck. I had some pride left.
He chuckled. "That is something you could never be. You're far too wonderful."
"You're going to make me blush," I said to his chest. I could lie there all day. Maybe sleep there all night. Unfortunately, I couldn't. We had plans tonight. An event I couldn't miss, as much as I wanted to.
"We should probably get up and have a shower," I said reluctantly.
"Together?" he asked.
Okay, maybe I could get up after all.