"Now you want to give him credit," I teased gently. "No. I couldn't have done this without him. Without his money or his support."
"Are you worried that if you push him away hard enough, he could withdraw his support? What if he decided to go against you somehow?" He raised an eyebrow at me in speculation.
"He would never do that," I said with certainty. Of course, now the seed of doubt was in my mind. Jake and I at war with each other would make this thing between Dagen and I look like a water fight. It would be ugly and bloody, and destroy us both.
"Probably not," Hutton agreed. "The point is, when you're all in with someone, you're all in. And as for us four guys, we're all in with you. Whether you want us to be or not. But I hope you want us to be."
He stood and stepped away from the chair. "Just think about what I said. Okay?"
"I make no guarantees," I said. "But I'll try."
"That's all I ask." He slipped back out the door.
I stood and walked over to the window to stretch my legs. At least a million conflicting thoughts bounced around in my brain. That was nothing unusual, but he'd added a couple of extra ones.
I saw movement in the corner of my eye and Hutton's reflection appeared in the window a moment later. I turned around.
"Did you come back to give me some more pearls of wisdom?" I asked.
"No." He shook his head, then put his arms around me and lowered his mouth to mine. The kiss he gave me was soft, but firm. He tasted of cola and cinnamon. An interesting combination.
He deepened the kiss and slid his hands up my back and twined his fingers in my hair.
Without thinking, I kissed him back. It wasn't the sweet, naïve kisses Cooper gave. Or the possessive alpha kisses of Jake. Or the gentle, steady kisses of Ben.
This was the kiss of a man who didn't want to hurt me or be hurt, but who desperately needed to connect with another person. Someone who had spent most of his life alone and lonely. Someone who, in spite of his probably better judgement, decided to invest his heart in me.
And somewhere deep in that kiss, I forgot to think and just let myself feel.
I have no idea how we got to the couch or which one of us led the other there, but the next thing I knew, he was lowering me onto it.
I lay back without our lips breaking contact for even a second.
He settled in on top of me and knelt between my knees. He slipped his hands under my shirt and pushed it up off my belly. Still without breaking off the kiss, he pulled me up to a sitting position.
Now he only broke off long enough to pull my shirt over my head and toss it aside. He pushed me back down gently and reclaimed my mouth.
I don't know how, but he managed to unhook my bra and slide it off my arms without even lifting my back off the couch again. Later, I would have to figure out how he did that.
His hands wandered lightly up and down my stomach and over my breasts. He traced circles around my nipples without touching them.
Even that light touch was enough to drive me wild. My body was already aching for more.
Finally, he broke off the kiss and worked his way down from my neck, to my chest, to my breasts. There, he traced circles around my nipples with his tongue. Only after a few minutes did he finally take my nipple into his mouth and start to suck.
"Mmm," he murmured against my sensitive skin. "You’re so soft."
I hadn't heard that one before, but it was a compliment I could own. When your breasts are a decent size, you might as well. Right?
He lavished so much attention on my nipples, I started to think the bond transferred to him somehow. I put it down to a lifetime of having to be vigilant. With that, comes being observant. I saw it in Ben and now in Hutton. Jake too. Cooper just rolled with whatever felt good. It sucked that anything good came from the past, but that didn't mean I wouldn't enjoy it.
He kissed and licked his way down my stomach, taking a moment to lightly kiss my abdomen. There was no scar there now, Paxton had gotten rid of it, but Hutton had the general area right. And the sentiment.
He hooked his thumbs into the waistband of my track pants and worked them down off my hips and down my legs. I kicked them off my feet. My panties followed.
He slid off the couch and knelt beside it, his hands on my thighs. His brown eyes on mine, he lowered his mouth to my pussy and started to give it the same attention he'd given my nipples. He licked my folds and sucked my clit until my breath was coming in tiny pants.