Page 53 of Crimson

"You seemed to enjoy doing just that," he said. "Shame you left so early. Think how much more fun you could have had."

I was tempted to throw my phone in the sinkhole.

"I hear your house burnt down," I said sweetly. "What a shame. It was so pretty out there."

Jake scowled when he realised who I was talking to. He mouthed that I should put the asshole on speaker phone, but I ignored him. Dagen was highly likely to say something I didn't want Jake to overhear.

"It was just one of many," Dagen said lightly. "No loss. Unlike your house. I understand your parents so tragically died there."

"You would know," I said. "Your parents killed them. But, like you, it's one of many properties I own. I could put two houses on this block and make a ton of money. I've been considering it, but you helped me make up my mind. Thank you so much." I wanted to pick up a brick and smash him in the face with it. Or better yet, in the balls.

The phone was silent for a moment. "I'm always happy to help out an old friend. Especially someone with such a warm, wet mouth."

I was ready for him to say something like that, but it still sent disgust snaking through my body and into my stomach. It reminded me I hadn't eaten since I threw up all that pizza. That was probably just as well. I might have vomited on the remains of my house.

Later, I would think of the perfect come back. Right now my brain was frazzled and blank.

All I said instead was, "We're not friends, asshole. In fact, why don't you come down to the harbour? There's a nice big hole right in front of me that I could throw you in. I'm sure no one will miss you."

"Maybe your hole wouldn't be so big if you weren't such a slut," he said.

Ouch. A burn and a slut shame rolled into one. This guy was pure class.

I laughed. "At least I don't have to pay for it." I was tempted to retort that at least I didn't have to have three men hold someone down for me, but the guys were right next to me.

"Perhaps, but I can father children," he said.

I could just picture the smug expression on his face.

He hit me right where he aimed, in the heart.

I managed another laugh. "Yes, you're one up on me. I can't father children. Funny though, because I'm pretty sure my cock is bigger than yours."

He chuckled. "Ah yes, my cock. I'm sure you dream about it at night. Do you remember how it felt when I squirted hot cum down your throat?"

I ended the call. I wanted to put the phone down on the ground and grind my heel into the screen. That would achieve nothing apart from breaking my phone. The hassle of replacing it outweighed the satisfaction I might get from destroying it.

I would get much more satisfaction from destroying Dagen.

My phone pinged with a text message. I almost ignored it.

I should have.

I glanced at the screen.

You look sexy in that red dress.Yeah, he actually ended the message with a full stop. What a monster.

"Motherfu—" I gripped my phone tight in my hand and looked around. My heart pounded like thunder. My palms were almost sweaty enough to drip.

"El? What is it?" Jake grabbed my wrist and turned it far enough to read the screen.

"He's here somewhere," I said. "He's watching me. Us. We need to find him."

Jake started to look around too. "I don't see anyone but the emergency crews, and…"

The neighbours were trickling out of their homes. They cast anxious glances at the empty lot where my house once stood.

"In a window?" I squinted, but light reflected off every window I saw.