Icy calm, I remind myself. Whatever he has planned, I can get through this.
"Good. The doctor is here," Dagen said. He sounded more smug than ever.
What the fuck?
I picked my head back up and looked around. Sure enough, there was a man in what looked like a white surgical coat. He was pushing one of those trolleys they have in hospitals. The kind that contains surgical instruments.
The witch, what was her name? Irina was right behind him.
"What the hells?" I asked. Fuck not being provocative. What the hells screwy shit was Dagen doing?
The doctor moved around to the side of me and picked up a needle. He tapped the side of it with his finger, before he slid it into my arm. "It's okay," he said softly. "You won't feel a thing."
"What the fuck?" I demanded. "Dagen? What are you doing?"
Ben looked like he was ready to pull the restraints right out of the wall. His face was red. A vein throbbed in his forehead.
Dagen moved over to the other side of me. He brushed hair off my temple, then ran his knuckles down my cheek.
"I'm just being responsible," he said.
His words sent a shiver down my spine.
"What are you talking about?" I asked. I didn't think I fucking wanted to know. Panic started to rise again but this time I let it. It was a perfectly rational response to whatever the hells was going on.
"Oh, you know what they say." He leaned down to whisper in my ear. "Be sure to spay and neuter your pets."
Forget panic and chills. His words sent disbelief, then red-hot fear flooding through me.
I shook my head vigourously. "No. No you can't. Even you can't be that—" I couldn't think of a word that went beyond evil. Whatever it was, that was him.
Everything was a blur and I realised I was crying.
I turned my head to plead with the doctor. "You can't do this.Please."I tried to fight against the restraints, but the needle must have contained anaesthetic. I could barely move, much less fight.
I even glanced at the witch. She was concentrating on something. Whatever it was, she wouldn’t meet my eyes.
Of course not, she was as bad as they were.
My eyes got heavier. My whole body felt like jelly. All I could do was say, "Please," over and over until my voice got faint even to my own ears. I wasn't sure if I was speaking out loud anymore. It might have just been my brain unwilling to comprehend what was happening.
"There, that's better," Dagen said soothingly. "Maybe I should keep you like this. You're a lot more… Compliant."
I stared at him with wide eyes. If I could shoot daggers at him I would. Or sporks. Or anything.
"You can't do this," Ben growled. The anguish in his voice threatened to break another part of me.
Dagen chuckled. "Why? So you can get her pregnant? No. The Keelan line ends here. With her. There will be no next-generation hells bent on revenge. The cycle ends. Now. But don't worry," he added lightly. "You'll both be awake to see it."
I couldn't feel it, but I was vaguely aware of the doctor and a couple of Dagen's men taking off my clothes and putting them aside on a chair. All nicely folded. How fucking thoughtful of them. The doctor even put a sheet over me, up to my belly. And another over my breasts.
As if I gave a shit about modesty right now.
As if I didn't want to lose my shit when he pressed a scalpel to my abdomen.
As if tears didn't slide down my cheeks at the tugging sensation as he slid out parts of me and set them aside in a kidney dish.
As if I didn't weep softly when they took away my ability to have children.