Page 18 of Crimson

"Sixteen, if we can get enough grease off the bacon. I think we might have eaten too much of it for that." He looked down at the table and sighed. "I tried the windows when you were in the shower. They're double, maybe triple glazed. Not even a chair is going through those suckers. There's no other doors to the outside. No other internal doors. We could try to break through a wall, but they would probably hear us. The floor is solid. We could pull out a light fitting, but neither of us would fit into the hole. Judging by the distance to the ceiling, and the appearance of the house roof, there isn't much of a roof cavity anyway. Not enough room to crawl through.”

He sucked in a frustrated breath through his nose. "The only way in or out is through the door we came in. Judging by the overkill we experienced on our way here, there's probably a small army outside. Our best bet is to wait until he moves us somewhere else and be alert for an opportunity."

I nodded. "That was very thorough. Remind me to give you a pay raise when we get out of here." This was the point where I usually joked about giving blow jobs. Instead I felt the edge of a panic attack again.

Fuck Dagen. I hadn't had a panic attack since I was a kid. I didn't want to start having them now. If I got anywhere near his cock, he would be lucky if I stabbed it with a spork.

I pushed the panic down and finished my sandwich.

It was only a matter of time before Dagen came for us again.


The door creaked open.

My first thought upon waking was to make sure the housekeeper oiled the hinges. My second was that I wasn't at home. Or at Crimson. I was at Dagen's country house, lying in a wide bed next to Ben.

I sat up and peered through the room.

With a snap, the lights turned on. I squinted against the sudden glare.

"Wakey wakey." Alistair Dagen's voice was chipper. Of course he was evil. Only an evil person would sound that cheerful before the sun even rose. Amiright?

Ben and I sat up. He placed his hands protectively on my shoulders.

"We're awake," I said. I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but decided on the non-confrontational approach of saying nothing more.

"Is that how you greet your host, bitch?" Dagen snarled. "Looks like you need another lesson. Fortunately, that's what I’m here for. Get up." He crossed his arms over his chest and watched.

If he expected us to be naked under the covers, he would be disappointed. Both of us had slept fully dressed except for shoes. I loved my heels, but not enough to sleep in them. Plus, they're not practical footwear for an escape.

I tried to keep my hands from trembling as I pushed the covers off. I waited for some sign of movement from Dagen. Some suggestion he might step towards me. Push me back on the bed. Get his goons to hold me down again while he forced himself on me. Anything.

He made no move. Instead, he waved in the direction of the door. "Take them downstairs."

No less than six of his men closed in around us. Hands gripped my upper arms like a crab's pincers; firm and painful.

We were marched downstairs like they were taking us to a funeral. Maybe they were. Ours.

I doubted it though. Dagen went to a lot of effort, why would he kill us now? I mean, it might make sense to his fucked up brain, but it didn't make sense to mine.

We were led across the hardwood floor and through a door at the back of the house. The only furniture in the room was a narrow bed and a couple of small chairs.

A row of restraints like those in the shed were attached to one wall. They took Ben to these and snapped the shackles around his wrists so he faced the room. A faint grimace was the only sign of his discomfort. He could either sit with his arms above his head, or crouch. There was no way for him to get truly comfortable.

That, I guessed, was the point.

"Get her over here," Dagen gestured towards the bed.

I shuddered and resisted, digging my bare feet into the floor. The henchholes dragged me over and pushed me down on my back. My ankles and wrists were snapped into restraints at the top and bottom of the narrow bed frame.

This wasn’t fucking good.

The only thing I could do was pick up my head and look over towards Ben.

He looked furious. Either at Dagen or at himself. Knowing him, he was angry at both.

I gave him a forced half smile of reassurance, then lowered my head back down and looked up at the ceiling.