Page 13 of Crimson

He smiled. If you can call lips turning up on the sides, combined with a sneer, a smile.

He gave the faintest of nods and I was surrounded by three henchmen. Assholes.Henchholes.Two took my arms, another stood behind me.

“I tried to be hospitable,” Dagen said slowly.

Without meaning to, I snorted. If this was hospitable, I hated to see how he treated people he really didn’t like.

Dagen’s body stiffened and his mouth twisted into a slanted scowl. He snarled."Enough of this shit."

He backhanded me across the same cheek he left bruises on a few hours earlier.

The blow was so hard, I was knocked back a step. Searing pain bloomed in my cheek.

Later, I wouldn’t remember if I fell, or was pushed by his henchholes. Either way, I landed heavily on my knees on the hard floor. I tried to stagger back to my feet, but all three of them held me in place. One on each shoulder, the other with his hands on the sides of my neck. His fingertips brushed my throat.

I forced myself to breathe. Panic rose inside me. Blind fear that made thinking hard, like it used to when I was a kid. An orphan. My heart raced so hard it might stop from the effort. Panic threatened to swamp me, drag me down into the darkest places I thought I left behind, in the past.

I held back anything more than a wince of pain, and the sob of fear that threatened to escape my lips. I kept my eyes on the ground for a good couple of minutes.

It was okay. I was okay. I was alive.

Whatever happened now, I could deal with. I told myself all of that and more, but I wasn’t sure I believed it, deep down.

When I looked back up, Dagen stood in front of me. The look he gave me sent the coldest shivers through my spine. I had absolutely no doubt in my mind what he intended.

I swallowed and shook my head. “No,” I whispered. Every centimetre of me trembled.

He unzipped his pants to expose his erection.





I shook my head vigorously, and writhed and struggled with everything I had.

In the back of my mind, I acknowledged Ben’s shouts of outrage and despair. He was as powerless to help me as I was.

Three men held my head still while Dagen shoved his cock between my lips. He rammed it all the way to the back of my throat until I gagged.

"Take it all, bitch," he growled.

I wanted to bite, but he slammed into me again and again. All I could do was keep breathing and not literally choke on his cock.

I fought against the hands that held me, but their grip was tight. I thought I knew how it felt to be vulnerable. Until now. This was the first time in my entire life I felt totally, absolutely, utterly powerless. I wanted to crawl back into the bath. I wanted to stand in front of them dripping wet and naked. I could take all the humiliation they had to give. Anything butthis.

"Fuck, yes," Asshole muttered. "That shut the bitch up."

The other assholes, the ones holding me so their coward of a boss could rape my mouth, actually laughed.Shitheads.

Tears poured down my cheeks. As they dripped off my chin, a tiny part of me hardened, like a callous over my heart. I would survive this. I would make every last one of them pay. They would live to regret having touched me and then they would die.

His pounding slowed, his breathing became more ragged.

I gagged.Gods, no.