Page 12 of Crimson

Oh yeah, he was absolutely living out some kind of dark fantasy right here.

"I can take my own clothes off," I said coldly.

Either they didn't hear or they didn't give a shit. While two men held my arms, another tore the t-shirt off my body, ripping the fabric in two. He tossed the shirt aside and slid his hands into the sides of my track pants, against my skin, before pushing those down to my feet.

The assholes on my arms jerked me forward, forcing me to step out of the pants.

I didn't need to look to see the erections. The smell of arousal filled the room like stale heat.

I caught Ben's expression. He pulled against the shackles, obviously ready to rip off some heads.

I shook mine. There was no point in him getting killed, not over this.

"Get in the bath." Dagen's voice was rough. He made no attempt to hide the tent in his pants.

I contained a shudder and stepped into the icy water. My skin pebbled before I even sank down to my ass. It was fucking cold, but it provided some illusion that I was covered.

"There's soap and shampoo." Dagen crossed his arms over his chest and watched.

I followed his gaze and snorted. Dog shampoo. The man was a fucking hypocrite. As if he wasn't also a wolf.

"I prefer people shampoo," I said.

"Use that, or I'll wash you myself," he snapped.

Ugh, hard pass. I picked up the shampoo and poured some onto my hand. It smelled nice at least, like vanilla. It probably kept away fleas too. Bonus.

"This would be more fun if I had a squeaky toy to play with," I remarked. I placed a hand on my head and let the shampoo trickle down before I started to lather.

"You'll have a bone to play with soon enough," he said.

By now, at least a dozen of his men stood inside the shed, watching me wash myself in a bath meant for a pet dog.

I tried to pretend I didn't care. That I didn’t care who saw when my breasts rose above the water as I lay back to rinse. I tried not to think about what every man dressed in a black suit would do to me, given the chance.

A sliver of fear and humiliation crept under my skin and took hold. I had worked hard for so many years to make sure I was never treated like this again. I surrounded myself with people who respected me, feared me.

Here, I felt stripped back, beyond just my clothes. Vulnerable. Worse still when I recalled how little it took for him to bring me down to this.

Toughen up, I told myself.You've gone through worse. You'll get through this.

I soaped and rinsed quickly, then climbed out of the water before anyone could 'help' me.

I shivered, not just with cold. I stood in front of so many men, dripping like a wet dog.

"Here." Dagen grabbed a towel from a nearby shelf—clean by the look of it—and stepped almost close enough to hand it to me.

I would have to move toward him to take it. The expression on his face sent chills down my spine and froze me to the spot.

“Well?” he demanded.

I wanted the relative, false safety of the towel wrapped around myself, but I couldn’t bring myself to move. Everything in me was screaming at me not to get any closer to him.

Ben sensed it too. In my peripheral vision, I saw him strain against the shackles.

Dagen lowered his hand and took the handful of steps to me.

Unable to stop myself, I took a couple back.