Page 60 of Stealing Chances

When she was reminded of the changes in our relationship since she actually remembered it. Because we hadn’t even been in the same room for weeks.

Clearing her throat, she forced a smile when she added, “As for the last part, I mean, the only thing, I guess...there’s a woman you’re convinced is in love with me.”

A breath of a laugh worked from me. “Yeah?”

“At the coffee shop. Her name’s Erin, she actually owns the shop, but she’s our favorite. Anyway, she always compliments me, and whenever she’s there, there will be a heart on my cup—but only my cup.” She batted her lashes playfully before a soft laugh danced across her lips.

“Is she trying to steal you from me?” The tease left me before I realized I was thinking it, and I knew it came out exactly how it was supposed to.

Is. Notwas.

Because even though Scarlet wasn’t mine in the way that mattered, this chaotic mess of emotions she ignited sure as hell felt like possession.

A humming sound left her that was all amusement. “ think so.” She gave me a wry grin. “Too bad I’m hopelessly straight.”

My next laugh was louder and had a whisper of pain pulling at my side. “So, that’s all that kept you with me.”

Her smile slowly faded and her head listed. “Among a few other things,” she said before adding, “Chase, what if you didn’t?”

“I didsomething,” I said unquestionably. “Saying, ‘What the hell am I gonna do,’ and acting how they described doesn’t exactly sound like someone who’s innocent.”

She looked like she’d give anything to deny it, but she eventually gave a slight dip of her chin. “How do we figure it out without your memories? What do we do until we know?”

I didn’t know how to figure anything out other than asking the people closest to me the way I’d already done.

So, I just kept my tone gentle and even when I asked, “You leaving tonight?” Refusing to ask if she was leavingperiodbecause I didn’t want to know, and I didn’t want to put that pressure on her.

I’d already told her she could go, and I’d meant it. If she chose to leave at any point, I would understand. And I didn’t want her to feel trapped by an answer she gave me years, months, or days before.

“Depends on your definition of leaving,” she said carefully. “Because I fully intend on leaving this beach and going home with you.”

I fought a smile as I stood, reaching to help her up as I did. “PT and Chinese food?”

A laugh broke from her as she smacked at my hand and stood on her own, beautiful and free and touching every part of my soul with the purity of it.

Making me feel lighter than I had since I’d woken in the hospital. Making it feel like I could breathe easier.

I was pretty sure I’d been waiting my entire life to hear that sound.

Jesus Christ, what was this girl doing to me?

“You’re ridiculous,” she said as her laugh trailed off, her smile bright and making my heart beat impossibly fast when she looked up at me. “You can’t keep using that. We aren’t even fighting.”

“I’ll use the Chinese food thing forever if it’ll keep you laughing like that. If it’ll make you look at me like that.” And then I was moving. Curling my arm around her waist and pulling her close as if my body had a mind of its own. Unable to go another second apart from her, even though I’d just been thinking I would let her go.

Like that was a possibility.

I watched as her eyes widened with surprise and need and hope when I pressed her body against mine and gripped her tight, claiming her with that simple motion.

“You want to leave, then I’m going to let you because you don’t deserve the shit I’ve put you through,” I said before shaking my head. “But understand that I’m only giving you a ten-minute head start before I’m chasing after you and begging you to give me any fucking chance that’s left.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

I lowered my head to hers but kept my lips a breath away when I pled, “Don’t say that yet.”

“I’m here,” she whispered, the words their own plea. “I’m here; I’m not going anywhere. Chase, I love you.”

I broke.