My father’s eyes go wide.No, he mouths.


This time, when I attack, it doesn’t matter that he’s trying to fight me with his bare hands. A blow from me, and there are no more hands to speak of. Another swipe and his throat is gone entirely. I keep going, fear driving me, until his neck is entirely gone and his head rolls away from his body.

Only then do I stop attacking, sure that he can no longer hurt me.

Only then do I look up to realize the courtyard is no longer empty.

My father’s people and many of my half-siblings stand around the edges. To a person, they stare at me with fear. I push slowly to my feet and several of them flinch away from me. I hate it. I never wanted to rule like this, but the men are right. Fear is the only way to ensure I survive this coup and keep surviving. There aren’t any soldiers present, which is just as well. The men will take care of them. It’s up to me to sell this once and for all.

I grab my father’s head and hold it aloft. Someone cries out in horror. I ignore them and turn a slow circle, meeting as many gazes as I can manage, holding them until people look away. I lift his head and raise my voice. “I am my father’s heir by virtue of the babe now growing in my womb. I am now the head of the clan by virtue of his death. Challenge me now or take a knee.”

One of my brothers, William, steps forward. He opens his mouth, but stops speaking as fire pours from my palm, turning our father’s head to ash. I hold his gaze as I turn the fire on the body next. It burns hot, hot enough to flash dry the blood coating me, hot enough that the people closest take several large steps back. William shakes his head and sinks to one knee.

Fear truly is a powerful tool for a leader.The thought makes me vaguely ill, but there are no depths I won’t descend to in order to protect the people I care about. I don’t want to slaughter my way through my half-siblings, but I’ll do it if they force my hand.

William’s taking the knee starts a waterfall effect, though. One by one, all of the people around the courtyard kneel and bow their heads. I turn slowly, but not a single one of them will meet my gaze, let alone challenge me.Thank the gods. I refuse to let the relief show on my face.

Instead, I rotate to face William and lift my voice. “Gather everyone. It’s time to make an announcement.”

He doesn’t look happy, but he nods. He turns to several people next to him, “Make the call.”

It takes fifteen minutes for everyone in the compound to reach the courtyard. My hands still haven’t returned to their normal shape and I’m still covered in my father’s blood, but it’s just as well. Again, not a single person challenges me as I declare myself the leader.

There will be challenges later, both martial and subtle, but it will take them at least a few days to gather their courage to try. A few days is all I need to cement my place here. I won’t pretend that dueling will be easy, but after facing down my father, I’m not as worried as I was before. None of my half-siblings’ powers are as strong as his were. I can break their compulsions, which means I can win the fight.

There’s another matter to attend to first, though. “Allow me to introduce you to my partners.” I fling a hand over to where I feel Malachi, Rylan, and Wolf waiting. They leap over the bystanders and land at my back, a flashy move that almost makes me smile, especially when everyone gasps. Truly, my father’s people are already conditioned to fall in line behind a strong leader. I have no intention of becoming a tyrant like my father, but I am not above taking advantage of the rotten foundation he left.

I will give them the strong leader they crave. Unlike my father, though, I won’t abuse my power over them. I fully intend to be a queen they’ll grow to love over time, or at least respect.

“You will obey these men as if you would me.” I wait for the murmured assent before continuing. “Now, go back to your homes and rest assured that you are safe. Your life will not be negatively affected by this change in power.” I hate that I find myself pitching my tone to mimic the way my father talked in public, that I’m using his cadences to assure obedience from these people. I never set out to lead, but if I walk away and allow William or one of the others to take over, they will hunt me the same way our father did. I’ve made myself too much a threat to do anything but take my father’s place. It’s the only way.

“Donotforce me to make an example of you.” I sweep my gaze over them. “Go. Sleep. We will rebuild after everyone rests for the day.”

The men fall behind me as I turn and head deeper into the compound. It’s only when I take a familiar turn that I realize I’m walking back to my old room by habit and that it’s not appropriate for me to sleep there if I’m supposed to be leading. It’s just as well. That tiny room holds no good memories for me, and it’s nowhere large enough for the four of us.

With a sigh, I veer in the opposite direction and make my way to my father’s home. Stepping through the front door, even with my men at my back, feels like being launched into a past I want no part of. My knees buckle.

I never hit the floor.

Malachi scoops me up. “Bathroom?”

I try to speak, but no words come. Rylan brushes a hand over my head. “I’ll get a shower going.” He disappears through a doorway leading deeper into the house.

Wolf surveys the room. “I hope you’re not attached to any of this.” I shake my head mutely and he smiles. “Let Mal wind you down and we’ll take care of the rest. You did good, love.”

Malachi carries me through the house to the large bathroom Rylan found. Steam already curls through the air, and I take what feels like my first full breath in hours. We did it. We actually pulled it off. My father is gone and I am now the leader of this compound.Holy shit.I don’t even know how to process that. I don’t even know where to begin to start. “Oh gods.” My body starts to shake, violent tremors hitting in waves. “It hurts.” I don’t know what I mean, only that it’s true.

“I know, little dhampir. I know.”

Rylan stays long enough to use his claws to divest me of my clothing and then he leaves, shutting the door softly behind him. Mal steps beneath the spray without setting me down. “Breathe. You did it. The worst of it is over.”

“I never wanted to lead,” I whisper. “I just wanted to be free.”

“Freedom in our world comes at the price of power. This was the only way.” He hugs me tightly. “Can you stand?”

“I think so?”