Page 30 of The Hunt

I nod, but it’s a lie. I’m so far from okay it’s laughable.

* * *

Lars is standing against his truck in front of my cabin when I finally get home. His tall frame is relaxed until he sees me. He rakes a hand through his graying hair and walks to my truck as he drops his cigarette on the gravel, opening the door for me.

Ghost and Storm shoot past me to get to him, greeting him with happy tail wags and excited barking. They were puppies from one of his dogs’ litters, which makes him a sort of puppy granddad. He bends down, giving them both the attention they need before they take off running to find Blue.

“Wasn’t expecting to see you today,” I say as I grab my bag from the truck.

“Yeah.” He scratches his beard and shifts his weight back and forth between his feet. “I was planning on coming out to chat for a bit. Got some news.”

I still as our eyes lock. There’s so many things that could go horribly wrong here. Is he firing me? I’ve been a damn good employee for the past four years, so that can’t be it. Is he getting sued? I can’t imagine what grounds there could be for a case. My stomach flips as my mind settles on the most logical reason for this visit.

“I put the property on the market yesterday,” he says, confirming my fear. “I didn’t realize there would be interest this fast, but there’s a couple guys here walking around, taking a look. Said they might be offering the full asking in cash.” His hand grips my shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “I can’t really refuse with everything going on.”

My entire world has been absolutely flipped upside down today. First the guys walk through the bakery door like long forgotten gods, back to drag me into some hellish nightmare. Now I could be homeless in weeks. Then his last sentence smacks me in the face.

“What do you mean ‘with everything going on’?”

“Seems as though I’ve got lung cancer.” He shrugs at my incredulous glance down at the cigarette he just dropped. “Already got cancer, why stop now?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” my voice drips with sarcasm. “Maybe so you don’t make it worse before you start treatment.” Tears sting my eyes. Lars is the closest thing I’ve had to a parent since losing my own. He took me in, gave me a job and home, and has kept an eye on me, keeping me safe in a place that’s not always hospitable to outsiders.

“There won’t be any treatment if I don’t sell. Price of being self employed, no insurance.”

Blue chooses that moment to land on my shoulder, knocking their head against my cheek. This bird has the uncanny ability to always know when I need a soothing presence. I bite down on my lip to fight back the urge to cry.

“Hey, no tears.” Lars pulls me into a tight hug, the scent of tobacco surrounding me along with his huge arms. He presses a fatherly kiss to the top of my head as a sob slips from my lips. “I’ll be fine, and you won’t be homeless. I already told them that you are the best site manager in the state. They’d be idiots to not hire you on and even if they don’t keep you around, I’m sure Em will let you take the apartment over the bakery.

I nod against him as I pull myself together. She would let me move in with no explanation needed. But this is my home. I love living out here, the dogs and Blue as my only company with the mountains and forest all around. Maybe it’s the connection to my parents that I feel surrounded by pine trees and granite, but I can’t imagine living in town.

I step out of the hug and wipe the tears from my eyes as the sound of approaching footsteps fills the air. Lars gives my shoulders one more squeeze before looking over my shoulder.

“Here they are now.” He aims one of his big smiles at them. “Mr. Matthews, what’d you think?”

All the hairs on my body rise in unison. It can’t be. Matthews is a common last name. The world wouldn’t play such a cruel joke on me. But when I turn, hit with the weight of their combined stare, I can’t hold back the bitter laughter.


“Just Cody, sir.” I glance at Violet, the heat of her glare searing my skin. “I loved it. I was wondering how you would feel about us staying out here for a couple days before making a decision? Just to get a feel for the land.”

“Absolutely fucking not,” Violet blurts, her bitter laughter stopping abruptly.

“Violet,” Lars says as he looks between the three of us and her. “What’s going on here?”

“We’re old friends,” West says. “Violet and I go way back, grew up together.”

“She’s just surprised to see us.” I hold my arms out for a hug. The look of hesitancy in her eyes pisses me off. Then, instantly on alert, I notice her red cheeks and glassy eyes. I want to know who put those tears there because we’re the only ones allowed to hurt her.

She steps into my arms, wrapping hers around me loosely. I drag a greedy breath in, inhaling her cherry and vanilla scent. “What’s with the tears, Cherry?”.

“None of your business,” she whispers. Letting go of me, she turns to Lars. “It’s fine, they can stay. I was just caught off guard.”

He pulls her aside and they chat for a minute. I give him points for integrity when I overhear him say that he’ll tell us to fuck off if she wants. Not everyone would walk away from the cash I’ll be laying out for this place just for one of their employees. Although, it doesn’t really matter. I already love this place and can envision stables over on the west side of the small lake. Get a few horses in here to add trail rides to the list of activities.

“Okay, I’ll be on my way. Nice to meet you boys.” Lars gives us a wave and then turns to Violet. “Let me know if you need anything. I’ll come by in the morning.”

“Sounds good.” She waits until his taillights disappear around the bend before turning without a word and walking into a cabin. A crow flies down onto her shoulder as she pushes her key in the lock and goes inside, leaving the door open behind her.