“I’m pregnant,” she whispers as the first tear falls.
“You are,” I agree.
We’ve been trying for a while with no luck, not incredibly surprising considering my age and her family history. Next month we were due to start fertility treatments.
She spins in my arms and locks hers around my neck as she sobs into my bare chest. My eyes burn as I cling to her. My happiness is bittersweet. I’ve been here before and can already feel my anxiety climb as I hold her.
I would not survive losing her and our baby.
“Are you okay?” She leans back and cups my face while her eyes search mine.
“Yes.” I turn my head and kiss her palm. “I’m over the moon excited. Truthfully, I know I’m going to be an overprotective monster. You’re just going to have to deal with it.”
“I’m okay with that.” She kisses me long and thoroughly. “I’m going to have our baby,” she says when we break apart. “I’m growing a human inside me. It’s so weird to think about.”
I drop down to my knees and pull her skirt down her hips, exposing her soft belly. Her fingers make their familiar slide into my hair as I kiss below her belly button and whisper promises to our growing child.
“I’ll retire to take care of the baby,” I say as our eyes meet.
* * *
* * *
* * *
I thoughtThomas was crazy when he said he’d retire to take care of our son. He had never been ready to even consider retirement before. For the longest time I didn’t take him seriously. Then one day I came home from work and he laid a contract in front of me to review. The sale of his plastic surgery practice to another surgeon.
My jaw dropped. At how serious he was and how much he was selling the practice for. I could quit working and our lifestyle wouldn’t change in the least, but I can’t do that. Simon, our son, is three months old and I’ve already gone back to work. There is a pipeline in the works that has the potential to harm an entire ecosystem so I was needed.
Watching Thomas walk back and forth across the patio with Simon in his arms as he quiets him down for the night never gets old. I don’t like to miss meals with my guys, but sometimes it can’t be avoided. I know Dad was over here earlier though, he begrudgingly accepted Thomas and my relationship and since having Simon he’s around more than ever.
Walking quietly to avoid waking Simon if he’s already sleeping, I join them on the patio. Thomas has him swaddled in a muslin blanket with tiny stethoscopes printed all over it. He’s convinced he’s raising the next top surgeon. In fact, I’ve caught him reading medical journals over baby books aloud on more than one occasion.
It’s quirky and cute. Completely on brand for Thomas as a father. He’s beyond amazing with Simon. The way he’s managed to turn our tiny three month old into his little bestie is as heartwarming as it is sexy.
There were definitely challenging times while I was pregnant. From the moment we found out, he was on constant high alert. He went so far as to beg me to use a driver while I was pregnant. I gently pointed out that either way, I’d be in a car. We compromised with constant communication throughout the day while we were each at our respective jobs.
“Hand him over and I’ll put him down.” I hold my hands out and smile down at my sweet baby boy as Thomas gently passes him to me. Simon’s dark green eyes open slowly and he gives me a sleepy smile.
“I’ll clean up while you nurse him.” Thomas gives me a kiss and slips inside the house.
I follow him inside and walk into the nursery, sitting down and lifting my shirt, getting us both situated while I rock in the glider. The soft glow of the nightlight is the only illumination in the quiet, dark space.
After a few minutes of watching him nurse, I look up to see Thomas leaning against the door jam, watching us. I can’t see his face, but I can feel his overwhelming love. He loves us in the most profoundly all-consuming way.
“I think we should make another,” he says as I slip past him into the hall after laying Simon down. “Tonight.”
I blink in surprise. We haven’t talked about having another, although I’m definitely down for more babies. “Really?”
“Yeah, really.” He grabs the base of my ponytail and angles my head back for access. “I want to plant another baby in you right now.”
“Then take me to bed, Dr. Brennan.”