Page 31 of Seven Days

“You’re on.” She nods at me. “Check it.”

I turn the phone on and set it between us on the bed. A few seconds after, it loads to the home screen, text after text and dozens of missed calls show. I open my dad’s text chain first.

* * *

Dad:Where are you?

Dad: Did you go home?

Dad: We just got here and you aren’t here. Where are you??

Dad: Brianna Lucia

Dad: We are worried

Dad: Come home now

Dad: I’ll put a hold on your credit card

Dad: I love you and hope you know bumping into you was an accident

Dad: Bri

Dad: I’m calling Sara

Dad: Thomas and I will stop fighting

“Eleven texts from your dad.”She picks up my phone and opens missed calls. “Fifteen missed calls.”

I grab the phone back and note sixteen missed calls from Thomas. Looks like I’m losing the bet.

Thomas:Bri, come home

Thomas: Where did you go, Siren?

Thomas: We’re going to your dad’s house

Thomas: I hope you are there and okay

Thomas: You aren’t here

Thomas: As your doctor I insist you check in

Thomas: Siren

Thomas: Your dad and I have worked things out

Thomas: Come home

Thomas: To my home

Thomas: It’s empty and cold without you

Thomas: I think I’m falling in love with you

Thomas: Please come home

Thomas: By the way, Jack agrees about the Venice Beach house