“Still in bed.” I pour some creamer into my cup and stir it around before taking a sip. “I have a meeting with Dad and some of the other partners this morning. I’ll be in the office.”

“Partners working on a Saturday. Isn’t that what junior associates are for?” Lake says with a smirk.

“Not when you’re trying to keep a likely presidential candidate out of campaign finance trouble.” I roll my eyes. “This guy is a clown though. You couldn’t pay me to vote for him.”

“But he can pay you to cover his tracks.”

I sigh. “Only because he’s the firm’s CFO’s brother.”

I grab my briefcase from the foyer and make it up to the office with just enough time to log in right before my dad’s face appears on the screen. I can tell by the view behind him that he’s at home in the Hamptons. The view of the beach is stunning, even on a gray winter morning.

“This shouldn’t take too long.” He says with no greeting.

“Good morning to you, too, Dad.” I lace my voice with sarcasm.

“It’s never a good morning when I’m working on a Saturday. We should bill him double.” He jots down something on a legal pad before looking back up at the screen. “Before anyone else logs on, your mother wants to know what day you’ll be coming to stay. The holiday party is the twenty-third here at the beach house.”

“I’ll be there the day of and stay one night.” I take another sip of coffee. “Tell her I’ll have two guests with me. Nolan and Liv.”

His eyes, the same deep blue as mine, stare back at me through the screen. I haven’t told my parents about the nature of my relationship. They knew Liv and liked her as much as any other girl I thought to bring around, but lately my mom has been pushing for me to settle down and get married. She wants grandchildren, and my younger brother is definitely not ready. I think my dad has an idea of what is going on, but neither of us have broached the subject. I haven’t talked to Nolan and Liv, but I want to tell my parents the morning after the party.



* * *

“Where are we going tonight?” I look at Grant in the mirror as I blot my hair dry with a towel.

“Seven. I think you’ll like the performance tonight. Griff and Claire will be joining us.” Griff is his business partner, and Claire is his wife.

He’s already dressed in a charcoal gray Tom Ford suit and black shirt. He’s foregone a tie opting for a more casual look with the top buttons undone. His blonde hair is perfectly tousled, highlighting the masculine angles of his face. He is so stunningly handsome part of me wants to tempt him into staying home instead.

I watch as he pushes off the wall and prowls across the open space like a predator locked on his prey. His eyes darken to a deep forest green the closer he gets. As he comes to a halt behind me, he reaches his arm around and unties the belt to my robe.

“If you’re going to eye fuck me like that, the least you could do is allow me to reciprocate,” he whispers in my ear as he pulls my robe off. “Especially since I know you’re wearing this tonight.”

He hands move down my belly to between my legs where he drags his fingers over the pearls nestled in my slit. He pushes the strand back and forth, teasing me.

“Every time you move, you’re going to feel these and think about me. How desperately you want me. How deeply you crave me. How much you can’t wait to feel me moving inside you.”

I take a shuddering breath. His voice and dominance bring me to my knees. It’s like he takes me from my usual state of calm confidence and molds me into this supple, sexual being made to please him. I don’t understand it, but I love it.

He turns my head and kisses me with slow, deep strokes, a promise for how tonight will end. His other hand moves from between my legs to tease my nipple and knead my breast. I whimper when he adds pressure. He ends the kiss then, leaving me wanting so much more.

“I’m going to go downstairs and have a drink with the guys. You have half an hour to finish getting ready.” He picks my robe back up and helps me into it before leaving. His mouthwatering cologne lingers long after he’s gone.

I walk over to the closet to look through my dresses. Someone has organized them by season and color; I’m guessing it was Sawyer. I pull out a long sleeve emerald green dress. It has a high neckline and open back. It hits right at mid-thigh. I put in a pair of pearl earrings as a reminder to him of what I’m wearing beneath. If I have to think about it all night, so does he.

After sweeping my hair into a loose bun at the nape of my neck and doing my makeup, I slip into my favorite pair of heels and go downstairs to find the guys. After the third set of stairs, I start to realize the one downside to this place. Heels and stairs are not a good combination.

The guys are all spread out on the couches in the living room watching a college football game. Lake and Nolan have a bowl of popcorn between them and bottles of beer on the coffee table. Sawyer is nursing a glass of scotch.

Grant’s eyes immediately find me as I walk into the room. A slow smile creeps across his face as he looks me up and down. “You look stunning,” he says as he stands and walks toward me.

The other three look at me simultaneously, and the heat coming from their combined gaze is enough to tighten my nipples in desire. Having four smart, sexy boyfriends is an incredible boost to your ego. I could walk into the room in grubby sweats, and they still make me feel like the most beautiful woman on the planet.

“Are you sure you want to take her out tonight?” Nolan pouts. “It’s really cold.”