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“Gracias,” Marta holds tight to my hand as she thanks me again for administering anti-malarial medication to her young son.

It’s not without risk, but neither is contracting malaria. It’s been running through one of the nearby towns, so I gathered everyone in our small community and explained the risks and benefits. I’ve been running a clinic all week to make sure everyone who wanted to receive it could.

I stand and stretch as they leave, my last appointment of the day. I’m looking forward to slipping into the hot tub tonight and relaxing with a glass of wine.

After finishing medical school, I came back down to Costa Rica to take over running the school again. I offer medical services on weekends and house calls when school isn’t in session. It’s so rewarding to know that I’m providing services to people who have grown to become family to us.

Nolan goes where I go, so he and I are always together. He was seriously injured when one of the mercenary missions went sideways. Luckily, he’s finally made a full recovery, but he decided to retire from that life and focus on helping me with the school and clinic.

Sawyer works one week in the office and then one week remotely, traveling down here if school is in session or working from our Brooklyn brownstone if we’re back stateside. His parents finally came around; their one request was that I take his last name as he’s the final heir to the Ambrose line. It’s old school, but none of the guys had a problem with it, so I became Dr. Olivia Ambrose.

Grant has learned to delegate, so he has his schedule matched up with Sawyer. I love that no one in the family is alone. One of us is always with another one of us.

Lake rarely goes out on any type of mission now. He spends a lot of time in DC working with defense officials as an unofficial advisor. He’s seen so much more than most of them and has an innate understanding of both the US military and how guerrilla sects in the Middle East operate. In turn, the government turns a blind eye to his illegal means to an end

We are just as in love as we ever have been. In fact, the love we share only grows deeper and more steadfast every day. I wouldn’t be alive without these four men. I wouldn’t be thriving and living a life worthy of my parents’ legacy. Words cannot describe how thankful I am to have found my way back to them.