Her body shakes with silent sobs as she nods her head. I take the ring out of her palm and slide it on her finger. It looks perfect sitting there, marking her as ours for eternity. I pull her into my lap, embracing her and pressing my lips to hers.

I can taste her tears as my tongue slides past her lips to dance with hers. She moans as I deepen the kiss, my fingers digging into her hips and pulling her closer. I don’t mean for the kiss to turn so passionate, but I haven’t been with her since our first night in the house and I miss her.

Unfortunately, the puppy decides now is the perfect time to get some kisses of her own in and wiggles between us, licking anywhere she can reach. We break apart, Liv’s musical laughter filling the room and as she cuddles the puppy close.

“We want to have a small commitment ceremony next week. Does that sound like something you would want?” Grant asks as he reaches over to scratch the pup behind her ears.

“I would love that.” Liv leans over and gives him a kiss. “Where though? And how? And who would we invite?”

“I closed three of my restaurants for New Year’s Day. You pick from those three locations,” Grant answers.

“We’d probably just invite some close friends who know about our relationship and are open. Lake’s sister. Nolan’s mom.” Sawyer presses a kiss to Nolan’s cheek. “Basically, anyone who is fully supportive.”

“So not your family?” Liv asks, sadness lacing her tone.

“Not yet. The only family that matters is here in this room, though. Our chosen family.”

* * *

* * *

Later in the day,I find Liv out in the back yard with the dog, who’s she decided to name Xena. They’re playing tug of war with a rope toy we bought after bringing Xena home from the shelter. Liv playfully growls as Xena shakes the rope back and forth, her tail whipping back and forth.

“You two look like you’re having fun.”

Liv straightens and smiles at me. “We are. I already love her so much.” She walks to me and wraps her arms around me, kissing me deeply. “Almost as much as I love you.”

“Nothing could come close to how much I love you.” I rest my forehead against hers.

“I wanted to ask you something.” She bites her lip and looks down at the ground. “Can we go inside?”

“Yeah.” Concern fills me at her sudden change in mood. “Let’s go up to my room.”

Nolan catches my eye as we pass by him while he sits at the piano. His brows furrow as he silently asks me what’s wrong. I shrug and keep following Liv whose mood is darkening by the second.

We get up to my room, and I close the door behind me. She turns to face me from the middle of the room, her arms wrapped around herself. Tension radiates from her frame.

“I’m getting nervous here, Liv.”

“Me too.” She glances out the window and takes a steadying breath. “I’m just going to say this because I don’t know how to start it.”


“I think I want to try to get into medical school.” She says it without looking at me. “I know it sounds insane because it’s been so long since we graduated from college, and I didn’t take pre-med classes. I never thought that it was something I wanted to do.” Her words come out of her in a rush, so quickly I can’t say a word. “I love the school and being down in Costa Rica. I just think it would be great if I could offer basic medical care for the locals, so they don’t have to find a way into town or rely on resort doctors.”

She pauses to drag a breath in, nerves skittering across her eyes.

“Why would you think any of that sounds insane?” I cross to her and squeeze her shoulders. “Your parents were doctors. You are brilliant.”

Tears well up in her eyes. “You don’t think I’m stupid for even considering it?”

“Baby, no.” I hug her tight. “I would never. We would never think that.” I kiss the top of her head. “I know that you still hear that dark voice in your head. The one that lies to you and tells you that you aren’t enough.”

I pull back, forcing her to look in my eyes.

“But you are enough. You are smart enough. You are good enough. You are loved and supported. There is nothing you can’t do.”

“Thank you.” A tear slips down her cheek.