
“Good,” he nods again, “we’ll go to my office for a bit after we finish.”

While we finish dinner, we keep our conversation light. He catches me up on the lives of his sisters. We joke about how annoying Con is right now with Lilith, how he escalated from level ten caveman to level one hundred as soon as he found out he was going to be a dad.

We step out onto the sidewalk. Griff places one hand on the small of my back, and it does not escape my notice that his pinky slides under the waist of my jeans and his thumb brushes the edge of my bra. I’m a little chilly but definitely glad I went with the cropped sweater. From the ever so slight caresses on my back, I think he’s enjoying the contact as well. He guides me to the cab he just hailed and opens the door for me.

Only a few people are roaming around the lobby of NNC. Griff waves to the security guards who stand a little straighter as soon as they see him. We get on the elevator, and he hits the button for his office level. He stands facing me with his legs slightly parted and his hands in his pockets. His eyes travel up and down my body once, and he must like what he sees because he licks his lips. The doors open with a ding, signaling our arrival on his floor.

The lights are low, and the floor is empty. He leaves the overhead lights off as we walk into his office, but he turns on a floor lamp, giving the room a soft glow and long shadows. I walk over to the wall of windows behind his desk and look down on lower Manhattan. The lights of the city twinkle below.

“It never gets old, does it?” I ask as my fingers gently trail over the glass.

“It is the most beautiful view,” he says quietly from beside me.

When I look over at him, I realize he was looking at me when he said that. “You’re not even looking out the window,” I say with a raised eyebrow.

“I was talking about you.” He steps toward me and cups my cheek in his warm palm, his thumb traces my cheekbone. “Why is the forbidden always the most enticing?” he whispers so softly I almost miss it.

“I’m not forbidden.” I step close enough to him that I have to tilt my head back to keep eye contact.

I watch his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows. His hand ghosts down my face and over my jaw to my throat. He wraps his hand loosely around it and grazes his lips over mine. The contact is so light and brief, I wonder if I imagined it.

“That’s where you are so wrong, Claire.” He steps back and pulls his hand away. I feel the loss of his warmth when a chill runs down my body. He moves to his desk and opens a drawer before reaching in and pressing a button. “I’m about to show you something that my sisters don’t even know about. I trust you’ll be discrete.”

“Of course.”

“Okay.” He walks toward one of his bookcases and pulls it away from the wall. “I have a server room back here where I do my more questionable work.”

We step into a dark room with racks of computer equipment. It’s loud and hot as we walk down a little corridor to a plain desk with several monitors all over the place. Griff walks over to a filing cabinet and punches in a code on the keypad. He opens a drawer and pulls out a small box.

“This is proprietary technology for a company I’m starting with Con. It’s a tiny camera that can be attached to clothing or, in your case, a bag.”

“What’s the name of the company going to be called?” I take the camera that is smaller than my pinky nail. “Tools for Psychos? A one-stop shop for all your stalker needs.”

“Tsarina has jokes,” he says drily as he takes it back from me. “I’ll put it on your sweater, so you know how to attach it.”

I draw a quick breath as his knuckles lightly graze my chest. As if he can sense my desire, he moves toward me, filling the space around my body with his. He’s not the biggest man I know, but his presence fills the small room.

“It’s magnetic, so you just have to line it up. It is water resistant, and the case is titanium so it’s strong, don’t worry about beating it up. Give me your phone, and I’ll set up the program that you can control everything with. I’m thinking you’ll be able to put the bag somewhere that you can record your class. No one will know.” He tests the hold of the magnets on my shirt before stepping back.

He takes my unlocked phone and plugs it into one of his computers. I look around the room while he starts downloading the program onto my phone. Everything is neat and orderly, even the pens are lined up perfectly. I reach down and move one, so it’s just a little out of line with the notebook beside it, smirking to myself at the possibility of causing even just a tiny bit of chaos.

I turn around and gasp. Griff is standing right behind me. I don’t know how I missed him moving towards me. He sets my phone down and puts both hands on the desk on either side of me, pinning me between them.

“I’m very particular about where my things go on my desk, Tsarina,” he says in a low purr. “Bad girls get disciplined.”

I know exactly what I’m doing when I reach behind me and swipe a pile of papers onto the floor. “Oops,” I say insincerely.

His entire demeanor changes; his eyes darken, and the lines of his face sharpen, making him look stern and mature and so sexy I’m ready to strip right here. His hands circle my waist firmly, and he spins me around. He steps forward, pressing me between his front and the desk.

His hands move up under my sweater causing goosebumps to follow in their wake. His lips leave a wet trail from my bare shoulder up the side of my neck to the hollow below my ear. My head falls back against his shoulder as he pushes my bra up and over my breasts. He pinches my nipples hard, causing a wave of heat to travel from my head straight to my pussy. He remembers exactly how I love to be touched.

“Good girls get rewarded,” he whispers in my ear. “Do you want to be a good girl, Tsarina?”

“Yes,” I whisper back, rubbing my ass against his very obvious erection.

“Good.” He steps back. “Pick up the papers and straighten my pen.”